Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Zorvo wanted to ensure Etha transitioned nicely into the game, a courtesy that contrasts Arctic’s treatment of her slot. However, they didn’t really spend that long with that back-and-forth since Zorvo dropped it, in spite of Etha’s claim that she wanted to see what other players gave to her.

So, does this behavior look partnered to you? I feel like you could argue both sides of that. I’m not sure what you’re trying to claim tbh😓

If Zorvo is villager, Etha simply didn’t feel like talking to them/didn’t find it necessary

If Zorvo is wolf, Etha didn’t want to draw too much attention to the 2 of them with 1-on-1 interactions

I’m pointing out an interaction so I can compare it to other interactions and see if it makes a pattern or looks like a one-off. I’m figuring it out as I go along.

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Ah okay sorry. I gotcha. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page! :+1:

Oh lord.

If I was wolf, I didn’t kill them for their reads (considering I didn’t remember them):joy:

And also, it just goes against my style. (I would rather kill a trusted townie than someone who suspects me). If I remember correctly, I was surprised someone didn’t die in Tutuu’s place (like I think there were ppl who I thought were more townie/better night kill targets), but I can’t remember. It’s probably in my posts somewhere. I would check, but I’m on my phone😅

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I think I mentioned this earlier, but this just plays into my more passive playstyle

It isn’t so much the Tutuu read as the progression that Litten tied together in that wider post.

I have a few questions, and then a few more questions for Zorvo to answer. Why did you point out the semantic of townlean/townread in response to Litten, or was it purely to downplay your confidence on that read?

You did say this, yeah.

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It was a drop in confidence because Zorvo was being “cleared” by a lot of ppl. I figured that Zorvo had no reason to lie about their read on Lol being town, so I second guessed myself. I started to doubt myself and thought that maybe the wolf behavior I was seeing was wrong or maybe even normal for Lol. Regardless, I dismissed it and marked them as town-lean (which to me means they’re sus but more on the town side)

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I did the same thing for Zorvo too which is why I called Zorvo like town or town-lean at some point in this game

I don’t remember exactly where they fell on my scale bc deep down I didn’t have a lot of trust. My trust was more blind bc of the reads of others. It wasn’t my own trust if that makes sense

@Zorvo why have you waffled half this game? Apart from playing the game in whatever way you like, what was the reason for jumping between suspects?

You posted a readlist a couple days back where you seemed to scumread everyone except Arctic and I. Do you remember that?

Here’s a decent follow-up: why did Zorvo townreading Lol, by proxy, make you doubt your own read, when you were willing to question his methods earlier on?

Another thing I would like to point out in relation to this.
I had this theory in my back pocket about Zorvo early on, but I didn’t mention it because I was worried if I called it out early, it wouldn’t be nearly as effective. It’s time to reveal my hand:
Something I noticed this game about Zorvo’s pushes is that he rarely/never targetted Lol and Etha. I’ll have to double check this because I don’t quite remember how accurate this statement is, but I think it carries some weight. Zorvo voted like every person in the game, but if I recall correctly, they didn’t push on Lol or Etha nearly as hard. In fact, he defended both of them. Did Zorvo defend other players? I know they defended Jormok but then quickly turned on them. Also, I think Zorvo only voted a wolf when the majority jumped on a wolf (and I think it was Etha)

I could be wrong. It’s been a while since I’ve filtered their messages. The reason I bring this up is because, if Zorvo is wolf, their interactions align with this theory.

My apologies for the long message. I’ll double check tomorrow at some point to see if I can see how well this theory holds up. I feel confident enough to propose it, but I want to make sure I’m not backing something that has clear holes if that makes sense. Just putting my thoughts out there :+1:

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My apologies, but could you quote it? My reads were all over the place this game. I think when I reached pure paranoia, my reads were that Arctic and Zenon were wolves or some wacky shit😂

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Day Seven Vote Count

Not Voting (3): Magnus, Zorvo, MerpyDerpy