Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Yeah I’m aware.

I’m trying to show why I am town here.

I have returned.

I think my ideal F3 as a wolf would consist of a dead Merpy, because Demisha townread me more, and Zorvo would push onto Demisha.

What if I’m an electric type?

Huh, I didn’t read the post I linked. That’s fair enough, but I know where to find a counterexample.


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This wagon was pure.

Nevermind, I skimmed over Etha’s name. Pure apart from her.

Ah I see. Thank you!:+1:

I hard disagree imo. I think you benefit much more as wolf if you kill Demi. Do you think this perspective is incorrect? (I won’t take offense. Just curious)

I can elaborate on why if you want, but I did mention it briefly before

Etha, as a wolf, asks for the cliffnotes. Zorvo responds to her in a kindly manner, asking how best to integrate her into the game. Compare Arctic’s response, which is short and blunt:

Etha responded to Arctic by implying she was wanted to hear where the thread’s focus was, but that doesn’t really go anywhere.

This is particularly noteworthy since when Etha asked to hear Zorvo’s wolf read catch up at (#1078), she didn’t receive a response from him. If she wanted to catch a TL;DR for that reason, it makes sense to assume she would’ve pressed Zorvo for an answer.

Ah I see. Thank you for correcting me! :+1:

And as I know, Tutuu had pretty good reads.

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What’s a TL;DR? Also, what does this mean in relation to Zorvo? I’m not really sure what you’re trying to convey sorry😅

I benefit in this F3 as a wolf only if you, as a villager, stuck to your previous scumread yesterday on Zorvo (another villager). I think that’s less certain than Zorvo voting Demisha would be, or Demisha townreading me over Zorvo over your townread on me.

I understand the premise about setting up two opposing villagers who suspected each other earlier, but I don’t think I’d need to do that (as opposed to setting up player over another) unless I specifically wanted to be kingmaker like I’d prefer here.

So wait….Magnus is 2nd highest on Tutuu’s wolf list? Did they ever explain why? :thinking:

A TL;DR is short for “too long, didn’t read”. Etha was asking to receive a summary.

Here’s Tutuu’s original colour coded list for reference.

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Ah okay. Thank you! :+1:

Oh so I was on the bottom of Tutuu’s list. That’s fair. I did suspect them after all. That doesn’t look too great on my part😅