Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

This article is about life but these principles could be applied to the game of Mafia as well.

How many votes does it take for someone to be upped? I would imagine it is a majority, right?
Also, when someone is voted up, do they get to defend themselves, or do they just die?

I am saying this bc I am seeing the numbers for Leafia slowly creep up, and I don’t know how the voting system works

if the voting condition is reached they just die

Is the “voting condition” majority?

It’s like 2 votes rn, lmao. Click on that hammer to check. You can click on other posts to check how the vote looked from that point too. Anyway uhh… if my math is mathing, it’s 8 votes for majority.

i think that it’s majority? idr how many majority is i think it would be 8 to kill though

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Once majority is reached, thread can be closed, day is over, start that 24 hr thing for night. iirc

Oh wow that is very useful! Thank you! :smile:

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Course! Happy to help.

Whichever player has the most votes on them at the end of the day will die.
If any player has a majority of votes on them at any time, they die early.

Ah okay. Thank you, Magnus!
You too, Etha! :smile:


What happens if the vote ties? Is there a tiebreaker, or does no one die?

They have to fight each other in AMQ, and whoever wins survives.

If it’s opening and ending themes, I have faith in myself :grin:

Ties are broken randomly except for no-exe, which has priority.
I aim to please.

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I am going to say this now: If I am still in a tie vote with people tomorrow, I will vote for someone in the tie (whoever I suspect the most) to keep myself alive


VOTE: Drinks

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Copy of Leafia.

Wolves will sometimes just try and fit into towns conscious and place down a read thought based on it.

10/15 I am tired of reading. Why must the lazy work!

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