Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

i do but i would lose

but i would

i love fighting

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Not really like

  1. She got modkilled

  2. This has no bearing on her read accuracy or how you should read any part of the game and if you try to use it to angleshoot whomp whomp

Yes I love her she’s my best mafia fwen.

me irl (middle age white women and dota love me)


guess im a middle aged white woman


Reads to me like I’m distracting the thread and doing the opposite thing that I intended with my Arctic read

Reads genuine and real

Reads not at all like she expects people to focus on her less and more like she thinks it will change the opinion on Arctic when she flips town

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is 0ix doing better nowadays i havent written to them in a while

You should read my wolf games

I am never the same twice

I honestly hated my performance in that game my team says I played well but I think I kinda blew chunks

I would like to if you linked any.

Zenon must be polarized because she seems confused that people would suspect her as town.

disagree also arctic isnt even being scumread so at best its an overreaction
leafia doesnt like him but no one really cares from what i can tell

You are one person in a town of 15 I seriously think you overestimate how many people will actually give a shit.

KM dumb pls no

I will literally vote for the CW even if the KM chooses someone I wolf read

I will literally vote myself before a KM

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I don’t feel like completely comfortable talking about her like without her being here.

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i do admit i misread that and didnt see the arctic part
but it makes it worse imo
me as a wolf i love doing the thing where i push a townread super hard to the point of acting like i would sacrifice myself to save them
this is '‘i want towncred from this guy’ 101
worst part is arctic isnt even close to dying
also hes not that towny hes just chilling
magnus hasnt cased him as town after all

fair enough

I will find some when I’m home

Or Achro could just go find them for me :p

I’m surprised people would suspect me at all tbh

Zenon i have a serious question for you.

I have by now played roughly 20 games on fol.

Do you know how many i have lost

Like idk i feel like my thread pull is pretty legendary even if we can bicker about my read accuracy being inconsistent.

If i say litten dies i cant imagine that goes unheard especially given that litten had 3 votes on him early

Arctic is literally being paired with Demisha by like half this thread…

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