Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

You can have a bad analysis and that doesn’t mean my analysis is good

he wasn’t a wolf in FAM2

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No, this actually is one or the other.

If my analysis is right, leafia will flip town, and your analysis of ‘it not mattering’ will be proven incorrect and faulty. If leafia flips mafia, you will be correct and I wrong.

There is no in between in a mountainous game.

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:fallen emote:

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My friends appreciate me for me definitely not atrocious memory

I mean… You can be right for the wrong reasons? I’d call that an in-between.


Also uh to clarify.

I am more than a little autistic and sometimes I can come off as very formal and thus intense when discussing things.

But this is all a big mystery for me and I love playing mafia, and I love thinking about the deconstruction of ideas and solving methods to an intimate degree since it is one of the few hobbies i can do when I am at my poorest health (which isn’t now)

so sorry if I am very wordy.

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Oh shit that explains it. I am also autistic, so I think that explains our interactions a bit.

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You’re okay, I’m just not putting too much oomph into my responses because I’m tired and catching up to thread took longer than I thought it would, I’m probably gonna chill for a while and try to come back later before EOD

To tell you how much I enjoy mafia I literally chose to do it a lot on my literal birthday haha.

Mafia rules.

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Right, but it’s just that I’ve never seen in mountainous a wolf gut itself without partners being spewed very town. And I have played a lot of mafia.

I’m the same with board/card games. Everyone who knows me here can attest to how much I fucking ask to play Tabletop Simulator.

good morning chat it’s time to backread

i know i got a ping from arctic that i’ll talk about once i get to it i have to get through the jormok wall first

Morning, Etha.

I’m surprised you have doodle as null, i feel that they’re townie but it’s more of a gut read of what i think of doodle’s actions more than direct evidence or contributions


alignment indicative

is this the main reason for having litten as wolf lean? is it just vibes or just not liking what they said


I’m surprised that jormok has Litten, lol, and Demisha as their wolf reads (i’m not surprised by the Leafia one lmao) it’s definitely interesting to look at this, and i’d be shocked if jormok was a wolf tbh

ok time for the rest of thread

gonna take a bit bc i’m in an rp but i’ll try to be done by at least like an hour before EoD

600 posts cant be that bad, right?

VOTE: Litten

Damn frozen fire cat huh.

Sucks to suck.

27 more minutes

Oh are you Central
