Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Heya. Mind voting Drinks? I think n1’s kill could tell us a lot and if litten is town he’s a real good player, so I think it’s ok to give him a day and see where the n1 kill lands.

God I hate being easily swayed. I wanna say no and for you to convince me, but I see this as like, me just being difficult . But I wanna switch to drinks also cause like you said.

VOTE: Drinks

but i’m not happy about it :(

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Out of cursioity do you actually think I’m a wolf?

It is a higher than 50% chance in my head. Null for me means 50% either way

Null might also have a slight sway to either side, but I’d be okay with it going usually.

You know how when parents argue, the child just watches and let them do their thing?
That’s the biggest difference between this game so far and the previous ones I’ve been in.


just woke up a little while ago sorry guise for not participating much i was a mix of tired and just didnt feel like playing too much, im a bit moody like that :stuck_out_tongue: . i expect to get more interested in the game once i see a flip. also ill read the low posters (who used to be low when i played earlier idk now) tomorrow

achromatic I need you to do an offical press announcement stating you will sleep so I can keep being king

Get as much rest as you need! I hope your reads come back really super good and stuff, and all accurate.

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honestly i’m not convinced, some things seem a bit wack to me

should i vote drinks or leafia

the read soured as soon as I said it btw

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I think, personally, today has been pretty interesting.

I have met a lot of new players and to my eyes no one stands out as really obviously agenda’d

Which makes me first think that scum is either mostly idle or very skilled. It eliminates people like Zorvo and Leafia (to me anyway) or Jormok who I think are more modest in their skill ceilings and experience levels in FM.

So like maybe Arctic is having the time of his wolf life (I dont think so tho) or, and maybe this is the answer I should realize, tutuu has kind of dropped off hard the last 24 hours in terms of interesting reads and the way she has treated my slot kind of sort of feels like a power wolf who knows they are just going to kill me n1 anyway. This isn’t like… a real read of what I have seen but when I think of my lack of suspects I think 'ok, whenever I have a lack of suspects my first thought is low post, unfamiliar, and/or highly skilled" and tutuu first two of those.


drinks please, for threadstate purposes

or just afk drinks

VOTE: drinks

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Like uh the reason I advocate for this is I think the n1 kill is going to be interesting for how we view things one way or another.

I never kill achromatic n1 wolves so just know that by killing achromatic you are clearing me

I back that up if I die n1 fwiw.

(and if he breaks that then I win our ego battle lol)

I will say it wouldn’t surprise me if Magnus is a wolf. He has been pretty towny but he hasn’t had a lot of oomph yet. He can turn it on later though but this has been kinda muted for him, it mostly feels observational even moreso than usual. Just somethin to keep an eye on.

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