Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

That’s only because Hazard was spectating.


this is one time where i’ll say the postgame hype isn’t just because town won because the outcome actually had very little impact on my thoughts about how well people played and how entertaining the f3 was to watch

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its funny because i had both as town for different reasons (merpy for nightkill, zorvo for ~everything but especially voting magnus even when magnus was leaning merpy and then not absolutlely milking that for wifompoints)

but yeah like i said in specchat this is a really good example about how the weird scenarios caused by lylo can just flat out lead people into doing nearly unfakeably towny things. Definitely a case study of “if you actually take time to talk to each other and don’t instantly snapvote good things can happen”


Snapvoting in ELO is usually anti-town and yet it always happens.
I mean, yes; Zenon exists, but usually.


This f3 was good becasue all 3 people in it put forth a huge amount of effort and there was multiple changes in perspective from both villagers.


zenon in shambles with the 3 post f3 town win


that game was all but decided before f3. wolves put it all on f5. the f5 snapvote is the really interesting one imho


it was very similar to (this was a WHILE ago so i might be making up names and scenarios) eevee’s snapvote in f9 of vanilla nightless against katze. A situation where there was a lot of noise and a lot going on and it being good to sometimes take initiative to simplify things.

In f3 however I think all the time should be taken unless it’s mech over or super obvious

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My only regret was killing Achro N1 but there was no possible way to justify not doing that in mountainous. If only it were role madness.

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it’s honestly funny that the last two mountainous games on the site (yes, wwfm2 is mountainous. Sue me) ended in town wins in f3 in literally the most oppositie ways possible.

One with 3 posts. One with hundreds of posts coming down to like 30 seconds


Achro has to die n1 on fol. it’s written in the ancient texts


there were two recent f3 snapvotes on the syndicate, both town losses, zenon was one of them, i would not advocate for f3 snap vote, please dont snap, and dont cfd too

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Do you know why you died, Tutuu?

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i was curious why i died over litten, lol told me that you were more paranoid of me because you couldn’t predict what i’d do

being more unpredictable than LITTEN of all people is quite the feat


That wasn’t quite it. I wasn’t afraid of Arctic or Litten finding us on the next day, because the former is a logical thinker without a reason to reevaluate and the latter was going to chill unless something popped out at him. Their legacies were only ever going to get fine-tuned on the next day.

You had mainly gone after Litten, so I wanted to kill you to prevent you from reevaluating and posting a new legacy. I wanted to get rid of another voice because it would mostly render your reads inconsequential, or so I thought.

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I definitely think you were the correct kill at that time, I’d stand by it.

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i appreciate it :blush:

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I hope to see you around some more. This was fun.


me when i cfd in f3

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