Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

Doodleshy had a wolf between Demisha and yourself on the day they died, and on Zenon’s final evening they reevaluated and formed a different mason group.

Voting to save yourself.

Oh did they? I must’ve missed that. Could you possibly quote it? :thinking:

I see. Thank you!

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You were her least confident scumread, to be fair.

The issue is that you voted Etha on the first day without a read on her, she townread and then scumread you at EOD (anti-spew), and you’ve gone between townreading and scumreading Lol because other people said so.

Day Seven Vote Count

Not Voting (3): Magnus, Zorvo, MerpyDerpy

23 Hours Remain

Neither of you should vote me today, because I am on the good team, I have been the most agreed-upon good player this game, and I am the least likely of us three to vote preemptively. This game is out of my range, I had no reason to vote Etha or Doodleshy when I did, there’s are good explanations as to why I wouldn’t have killed Demisha last night. I am alive because one of you two wanted me to be.

I could be wrong, but didn’t she say before getting voted that she was going to distrust me for not voting immediately? She then retracted that statement once she saw me vote. Aside from that, I don’t recall her ever scum-reading me :thinking:

Could you elaborate more on this? I’m not sure what you mean by “when I did”

Like do you mean any time you voted them, or are you thinking of a specific moment?


I’m mainly thinking about EOD1 and mid-D6.
Another thing is that I moved off Litten onto Etha at EOD2, which is just not a thing.

Ah I see. I thought you meant Etha specifically called me out. It was a 50/50 shot between Lol and me. Also, several things about this:

  1. Why are you trusting Etha’s reads? They were wolf. Wouldn’t it be more effective to look at a town members’ reads?
  2. Zorvo is also on that scum list.
  1. Also didn’t we reach the conclusion that Etha’s reads were the opposite of what she claimed? So like, Etha said Lol was town and that Drinks/Kiiruma was scum. This ended up being the opposite of the truth

Etha was accused of TMI’ing players left and right on the second day, and so there’s a benefit to reading into antispew later on since they’re informed. The fact that Etha posted a readlist, and that it wasn’t completely random and indicated a reads shake-up at a time when she was likely going down, is valuable. It’s less useful than some other reads, perhaps, but Etha’s D1 is dried up.
Nevertheless, it’s more about in conjunction with the rest of the Etha / Lol progression stuff and not on its own.

That’s fair, but I don’t think it’s valid to use Etha’s read to accuse me. Zorvo was also on that scum list. They were on it by themselves in fact (not in a 50/50 slot like Lol and me). Despite this, I don’t think that’s enough to incriminate either of us as wolves

Hence why I didn’t put it by itself.

If Merpy is wolf what stops them from voting you exactly?

By a bit.
You are the player if wolf that deserves the win the most technically sure.
But both me and Merpy haven’t really had much people wolf read them except for each other where we both have stated wolf reads on each other this game.

It is technically but it’s also like Merpy is new to FM and I find it hard to think Merpy sounds this pure today as mafia. But then that would mean you’re the wolf and I honestly just don’t know.

Not directly.
Etha was kinda suspected a bit and could have asked to be bussed, I mean lol bussed Etha.

Doodle or Demi didn’t matter if your plan was that you actually thought me and Merpy would tunnel each other come F3 and make it easy for you.

Like that is a reason you could have voted Doodle and I think personally it’s a bad move because both me and Merpy would have like almost always voted Demi in the F3 with you.

Why would a wolf want you alive over Demi?
I find that hard to believe.

I think Merpy as a wolf could have thought Demi and Me were more likely to vote them so they panic killed Demi and kept you alive because you had prior sus to my slot.

I think Demi would be your best choice yes.
But I also think that as a wolf you thought me and Merpy would be at each others throats today, that one of us were gonna tunnel on the other if not both.
But as you can see, that did not happen.

So are you claiming that we’re partnered because of this? I just want to make sure I understand your argument

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