Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

It takes the game out of my hands.

Yeah but why say

Like why say this to us if you are town and would know one of us is a wolf?

For one, I’m not going to give permission to “whichever one of you is evil” to vote me. Secondly, it’s shorthand for “I really shouldn’t be voted”. Thirdly, I make more sense as kingmaker from either perspective.

So I found this while scrolling.
I don’t say this about a wolf.

You said you were willing to self-vote in Starcraft that one time so you could say that.

You were scumread by Zenon earlier on as well, and Merpy was suspected a couple days ago. I have never been suspected except by you, but that doesn’t hold a lot of weight.
Tutuu didn’t really suspect me either, just had me as a “if the game goes poorly” scumread without knowing meta.

Why do I push for a lol execution?

Doodle even voted it.

[quote=“Zorvo, post:6836, topic:5305, full:true”]

This is also a thing I pointed out as well.

I can’t tell if this makes Merpy town or mafia.

Until they realized I was town and said it before they died

They kinda did?
They suspected you more then lol.

They called me lock town.

Why did you backtrack on this specific read days ago, Zorvo?

Tutuu suspected half the game more than me and died N2 before reevaluating off Etha’s flip.

My guess is because I wasn’t completely sure who the wolves were.

Maybe lol also said something that changed my mind?
Don’t remember

Gtg back to D&D bye

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I agree that Merpy’s behaviour this game feels like she has a dozen games under her belt. She hasn’t played any games since Grand Idea, but she has played a lot of social deduction before.

Something that Zenon pointed out a while back is that I tend to talk to whomever as if they’re town, and then back on that read if I’m talking to someone else. In truth, I just like to hear different perspectives over time. I appreciate you both for taking today slowly with me.

Which I have no problem with.
But don’t expect it to be done to the last couple hours.

If your the town I could end up voting wrong and hitting you, same goes for Merpy if they’re the town.

Idk exactly who I vote here but I really hope I get it right.

As in I have intent to vote even potentially in 4 or 5ish hours

Idk about tomorrow because I am gonna be busy, going to my cousins for 5 days and I think it’s gonna be a 6 hour drive.

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You could just take my word for it, not gonna lie.
I have never lied before in my life.

It helped me get my thoughts together, so I don’t mind. I hope it helped you too!

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