My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

mahjong soul?

That would be a good villain death for me
Just not the power, a power that is questionable about whether or not they could die from using it would not be power I would use unless absolutely nevvesary

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Nobody answered me in my own thread, I’m crying.

What’s your favourite power, Litten?

The one that would suit you the most.

I don’t know BotC characters well enough!! I do associate you with the Savant.

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Either very right or very wrong.

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flower girl


i refuse to elaborate


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That’s a good one.

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This is completely me.

With the necessary secondary powers, yeah?

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I used to always say I’d take mind reading. It’d ruin mafia games for me. I think I would still want it very badly. Teleportation would probably be most practically useful, though. Like, incredibly incredibly practically useful.


Amplify sound to ear crushing noises except this is completely random

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I like electromagnetism manipulation as an idea.

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Invisibility is flawed because it’s actively harmful to the user without additional conditions.

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I would never have to fucking commute again. You know how much money you can save with teleportation? On rent? I can live wheever the fuck I want, work wherever the fuck I want, talk to whoever the fuck I want. I can obtain anything. Deliver anything. Visit anyone.