My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

Which is highly advantageous even normally, by the way. You can effectively cancel your momentum whenever.


[guy who doesn’t have a driver’s license in America voice] Yeah I’d like to be able to teleport


yeah but like. you have to be discreet about your teleportation or else people are gonna know you as the guy who can teleport. and i don’t wanna be known like that

Think about the JOB OPPORTUNITIES. The regular opportunities. You can learn so many languages by immersion.

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You can cause everyone around you to forget that you exist, even as they look at you, so they can’t react to your presence. It accomplishes the same thing without risks or complexities.


This is true of every superpower

@discobot roll 1d20

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:game_die: 4

Wrong dice but it works.

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…can you cause everyone to remember that you exist later? because otherwise this seems like it can go very wrong very fast


I don’t like cheating powers

You should read Jumper. It’s a fictional biography of a teleporter.

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If you are known as tve guy who can teleport you could make bank

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omg just like that one scp

My one worry for teleportation would be that it cuts down on the amount of walking I do and I need hte exercise but I tend to get antsy when I don’t walk enough anyway, and I’d also have access to, like, walk wherever I want, too. So I’d just have to be more disciplined about setting time aside specifically to exercise, to go out For A Walk and listen to a podcast or post on the cookie thread or something. And having access to safe and nice-looking places to do so easily would help.

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They will remember that you exist afterwards without being prompted, but not what you did when the ability was active.

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You can just walk

Which one?

Yeah but not being forced to obviously means I do it less