My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

and let us transfer knowledge

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although at a certain point the optimal strategy is have the clones kill themselves so you can ignore upkeep costs


honestly that fucks narratively
I want to write clone sitcom


I have a bunch of niche power fics on the backburner

Cryomancy + Cold Resistance in this economy is literally just free housing
That’s why it’s the most powerful


I disagree.

in fact it’s probably the best of the elemental manipulations unless you are one of those idiots who are like “MANIPULATE THE WATER IN THEIR BLOOD HAHAHAH”


cus 1
why are you killing people

almost every single elemental manip can do some variant of that


the best of the “manipulate their body” elemental manips is electricity since you can mess with their brain

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light manipulation I’d argue doesn’t count
but if you include that yes
it’s by far the best

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(i’m going through one piece logias to be clear)
(that’s a fairly reasonable sheet of ‘elemental things’)

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fire manipulation is so so niche
I can’t find relevantly good purposes for it

If the villain has epilepsy, I consider it an absolute win


light manipulation allows you to move really fucking fast

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but yeah if it’s just flashbang + lasers then yeah it sucks

purely for combat space / gravity manipulation are the most silly

you just win

the best power on the planet would be to be able to make neurotypical people neurodivergent
this would disable their ability to be a functional human being for at least a week while also being extremely funny


Antarctic expeditions

Frostbite really sucks

It also helps you cook and also let animals run away from you

Nobody resists fire except maybe snakes?

Ohhh manipulation

Maybe it makes volcanoes safer!

I’m like pretty sure it’s dogshit for helping you in the extreme cold
in that you’ll probably go into shock (I am not in science but that’s my intuition)
or like it won’t help you against windchill

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