My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

but yeah I said niche because you don’t run into those situations particularly often
maybe more relevant nowadays because of funny climate change

the weakness fire has versus ice is that there’s a lot more mundane tools that can help do the things fire manipulation can do while ice manipulation is uncontested in a lot of categories

Fire does have standout situations though so whatever
Notably is really funny

Most manipulations become dogshit if you can’t generate the element outside of a few exceptions

If I had my choice of power, it would be the power to superimpose a given statement as funny in the collective conscience of humanity
I do not desire paltry goals such as getting rich, world domination, or positively changing the world

I desire to leave my memes in the annals of history


I have ADHD please be patient


Various forms of reality warping are so interesting as it pertains to worldbuilding
It’s interesting though that worldbuilding really is just masturbatory at some point
obviously an intriguing premise is useful and interesting worldbuilding can generate interest and development from people
but it doesn’t really need to be well thought out to work well as long as it doesn’t constrain your ability to write well

like you’d be hard pressed to find a better example for this than star wars
people build so much shit into trying to make the tech work in a reasonable manner in spite of the fact that it’s super tertiary

So how do you optimize for fandom
the code hasn’t been cracked
parts of it have
but really the overall hasn’t
or else media would be so much more solved than it is currently

I can think of the ‘episodic story structure with compounding developments for the overarching story’ as a type of solved story for fandom
I think that’s at least some degree of true for ~weekly releases

Not even weekly releases tbh


shit’s complicated bruv

It’s tragic that I don’t gain as much stimulation from learning about hard science as I do about weird fandom nonsense
but hey
the world is uncompromising like that

be all end all of powers is that you can solve for optimal power choices by using some combination of marginal utility, weights, and data science
it’s not very interesting to consider that approach tho it’s like “yes how does this power change my day model”


For fights it is wack because then you have to match up powers against each other and then BOOM you made the next popular shounen/teens action/adventure story

to be clear the legwork you have to do here is a large step toward making that story
like actually
a lot of the work regarding making characters in that setting comes from messing around with the elements after the fact

in the book I worked on it had the exact progression of

“funny power system”
“what story do I want to tell with this funny power system”
badda boom

I feel like giving useless platitudes about writing
whatevs that doesn’t feel useful

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you’re just telling people that there’s a way to do things
when there really isn’t and anybody who suggests otherwise is just kinda fucking stupid

If you want to be one of my favorite writers you should take notes from korean films

and always seek to incorporate shit from all corners of your life into your works
that level of passion for life shows in your work
it’s nuts

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wow such great advice as ‘have a love for learning about life’
yeah no it turns out that it’s a pretty useful tool

hating life is also pretty good for different reasons

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tl;dr Will Wood