N.1 Returns

Impressed you’re still around frostwolf – you were one of the first users on the old site iirc

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Hippo still exists @Hippopablompoyeetus


Orange was earlier.


kyodaz kinda exists but like
not really

Right you are, Maxwell. I even support this forum by giving bread to our host ^^

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@ElizaThePsycho let me pre-uninformed spec to SCoD 70

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I realize that I made a whole lot of noise about nothing here since I just got myself an indefinite playing blacklist. I guess I failed to recall how time-intensive games here were. Still, I’m glad I came back as it was nice to speak with all of you again and I plan to host occasionally when I’m able to get an expert to help me co-design.

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If 4hr a day is way too low for a player, then it baffles me how any full time students or workers can play consistently. Then again, I know a lot of pelple can function well with way less sleep and perform well on exams with way less studying than I can. Also, I’m sure being online consistently is a lot less of an issue for workers who aren’t on their feet all day like I am.

But yeah now that there’s the new anti-AtE rule, it’s good that I got myself blacklisted since there’s a nonzero chance playing FM hurts my career

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Yo does this mean I’m N.2 again let’s go

Glad to see you’re alright though, been a while since I last saw you :heart:


New best case scenario:

  1. Uni defers my MechE admission from January to August

  2. I’m able to work my way up from trial manager to full manager by August

  3. General manager and district supervisor let me step down back to certified trainer (2-3 days per week) while I finish my bachelor’s, and then let me be a full-time manager again once I graduate in 1.5-2 years

I will keep y’all posted. I should get a response on my deferral request tomorrow or the day after.

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My old physics professor said that having good work experience before starting grad school is a great asset, so I’m praying things can work out this way.

He also told me he was 25 when he finished his bachelor’s and it wouldn’t have mattered if he was 27. And he’s still the most prolific lecturer I’ve ever met and has tenure.

I can’t do online lectures or exams. So no matter what I was going to have to take a break in the middle.

Considering that, it was good for me to have to endure all this hardship from my job and elsewhere.

If/when I graduate, I’ll consider trying to reverse my self-imposed blacklist

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Life is going even better for me now than it was when I made this post wow

Ran shift the past week and picked up being a great manager super fast. Burned 3k calories running and swimming at the gym each of all 5 days also. Yesterday i finally got 3 black manager polos that fit me really well. Going on vacation to Puerto Rico on the 16th when I get back I’m running night shift (my favorite) with a girl that is the most fun for me to work with which is really exciting. I’m a pro at running all three shifts now though. I revel in the chaos and it’s just fuel for my cardio regiment / competence at work. And I’ve picked up the confidence and assertiveness needed to direct and lead my workers extremely quickly

I got a degree audit from the college I got into and I have 77 of 128 hours completed already for mechanical engineering. I have chosen to pass on school for January but I am confident that I could go back anytime I want to at this point. it would only be a year and a half to finish and would be the perfect backup option if I ever want a break from work.


But I love my job more than breathing now. I feel so blessed and lucky

Eevee just notified me that his work just let up a bit and he is ready to start working with me on our setup again. Also I’m about to get through an incredibly exhilarating book with a protagonist who I empathize with more than any other protagonist in fiction due to like me, how incredibly high her tolerance to physical pain is and how she just utilizes such hardships to become stronger both physically and mentally


nothing makes me happier than seeing you thrive homie… u deserve it fr


Well yeah. I realize that I still haven’t done anything here since returning and I’m unlikely to do anything here for a long while still, but please know that I still greatly cherish the memories of folk I knew from this place and I was grateful to find out that everyone seems to have fond memories of interacting with me. Not anywhere near as much as I cherish my routine, my cardio regiment / health, my books, my faith, and the bonds I have with my colleagues, but still a great deal nonetheless.

Be well and all the best,


I am proud of you. Keep it going