N.1 Returns

Are you actually giving real life money to people helping you setup?

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I’m buying eevee the two games (trails of cold steel 3 and 4) and waiting for him to play them so that it will be more lore accurate. This will probably be around 100 hours playtime which he has to work around his busy work schedule so it will be a long while before we submit


I can’t balance to save my life so I don’t see an issue with this

i was gonna ping icet and go “this is our time to shine” but

I assumed it’s most reasonable, since it’s bit of win-win.

I can design better if I know what I’m meant to design to begin with. And games look interesting enough for me to enjoy playing them. They even had quite good metacritic score.

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Just know that means I personally am going to hold you to making the SFM games :slight_smile:

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Sorry, I think from the view of a digital pirate.

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understandable. I used to be one also. But now that I work full time I appreciate the value of services more, and the services of a setup designer, especially one as skilled as eevee, are quite valuable to me


especially because he’s also willing to invest time into playing the games to make the setup more lore accurate


the plot is really convoluted so this is kind of a best case scenario for me. This might be strange to you silviu but I definitely think I got a bargain in my deal with eevee lol

Can anyone speculate as to whether being on a vampire sleep schedule (I work more overnight shifts than anything) would be a significant hindrance to me in a FM game? I am leaning heavily towards playing virtuous 4 now and am willing to scale back my time at the gym during the game but as I said I would be on vampire mode and probably only have around 4hr max daily to be online 'cept on my off days (90 minutes commuting, 75 minutes after waking up and 75 before going to sleep. Probably more but just to be safe I’d say 4hr)

I would use the 150 minutes at home productively with ISO’s and whatnot but I know I’m likely to miss most of the important events in the game. Checking my phone at work is a non starter, now more so than ever since I was just made manager.

If anyone could speculate as to whether they think playing FM would be a bad idea considering the restrictions I operate under, or if it could work, and why, I would appreciate it. I work 5 days weekly but my off days vary from week to week. Starting in a couple weeks I won’t be on all overnights anymore (I’m on all mornings that week to be trained on how to run that shift, likely will be on evenings the following week for the same reaspn) but still probably a majority since that’s where I’m most experienced.

If 4hr daily online is not enough, especially since my availability would clash with most other Americans, then maybe I should self-blacklist

I might have known y’all a bit longer but I’m better friends with my colleagues and I love my job and the structure it gives me dearly, so I’m loyal to it first and foremost. Hopefully my deferral gets approved and I don’t have to choose yet, but either way, I’m probably leaning against going back to school, at least not unless my work ever goes south

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as the host
4h is probably fine

as the host
2h is probably fine

as a non-host

just be advised that people will push you to do more

and if you want to set a limit you should make that clear ahead of time and stick to it

really FoL as a site is not ideal for people with limited schedules tbqh and my advice if you wish to try a game would be to try a light game on MU or a game on a smaller site


true tho



Guessing kyodaz, hippo, apprentice, and a bunch of others I knew here back in the day all left