Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS

exactly why it’s bad reasoning

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Garfooled claimed failing to heal Litten the night he died, which incriminated Eliza because she also had an item. After going silent for a while, she returned and claimed to roleblock Gar, which opened the door for them to both be Town… except she was executed anyway.

Day 6 VC 1.0

Not Voting (6): Garfooled, Magnus, Gorta, WizKvothe, Lemonfairy, LuciferChaos

If a person seems to be solving in a genuine and honest manner, then it’s not a bad reason to trust someone. I assumed that was Lemon’s point.

Ah! Yeah I remember now. But there is a possibility that both were wolves infact. Because gar had an item he had to claim something so he claimed doc but still after that the kill went through which made him say that he was rbed. Now Eliza too had an item so she claimed to rb gar. While in reality, possibly both of them had wolf items and they used them one way or other.

Plus the fact, Eliza took time to say that she rb gar opens the possibility that both of them later cooked up this story in the wolf sub after gar claimed to be rbed.

Ik this is just a scenerio but I don’t think this should give gar a free pass.

Edit: Also, I think it was actually kiru who proposed the Eliza as strongman theory not gar so they planned it after kiru pointed that out.

I think if Garfooled and Eliza were aligned, they would’ve tried to run with the world that Litten roleblocked Gar, or else have Eliza claim she didn’t roleblock Gar and just have whichever one lives look good off the other’s flip. Outing Eliza for no real reason doesn’t feel fun.

Hmm…this kinda makes sense now that I see gar suggesting Eliza can be a wolf. I didn’t consider the litten scenerio here.

I understand that, but I wasn’t sure myself

@Magnus okay, can you tell me if gar made that comment saying Eliza can be a wolf was before or after kiru suggested that Eliza can be a strongman?

To elaborate on this, while it is a valid strategy to throw one wolf under the bus in order to towncore another, it’s not a strategy I want to condone.

This was said before Kiiruma was online, or before anyone else suggested the possibility of Eliza carrying the strongman.
There’s also a case to be made that Gar believing that w!Eliza would have a roleblock ability is a townslip, related to not reading all of what’s in the OP.

If we want to trust Kiiruma’s legacy, Lucifer wouldn’t be evil either. Not that flipped wolves have to be correct, but it’s worth pointing out that he was killed in the night, when he wasn’t entirely trusted according to Gar, and Lucifer has been in the POE since.

Creature but it was during night of no death so means jack shit

Okay, I can’t multiquote but I would present a scenerio.

First, gar says he was rbed and at the same claims that he could be rbed by litten. But before anyone says anything a few comments later they ask if Eliza rbed them which is like already setting up to protect Eliza in case anyone figures out they strongmanned litten. Then kiru comes out with the possibility that Eliza was strongman and only after that gar claims that Eliza can be a wolf so I can see here gar giving up on Eliza.

Not to mention, Eliza claimed to rb gar before kiru suggested the theory which is like confirming both of them had already cooked up this theory in advance if things go bad.

I’m assuming you meant “in case anyone figures out Eliza interfered with the heal”, which amounts to the same thing.

The issue is that Gar was already voicing the possibility of Eliza being a wolf, even before Kiiruma or Eliza appeared. I can’t see Gar/Eliza except in a world where they agreed to throw Eliza under the bus in order to make Gar look trustworthy, which I don’t believe would happen.

Theoretically, your world works. Gar talking about the idea of Eliza being evil aside, they could’ve planned this together in order to look unaligned, and “discard” both of their abilities. On the other hand, that would require both of them to believe Eliza claiming to roleblock Gar would be seen as a good and trustworthy thing to do.
Which I doubt. Continuing off that, eliminating Eliza to make Gar look good would’ve been a part of the plan; which I don’t think fits. It looked like they were both townread at the time.

Can you quote where was that? I found statements like either eliza rb them and kill litten. They were open to the possibility of being rbed by Eliza even tho they soft claim were saying that Eliza can be wolf and that was before Eliza claimed rb and kiru suggested the theory. He only finally admitted that Eliza can be a wolf reducing the possibility of having rb him when he realised Eliza was a lost case because of kiru’s suggestion. I have read the thread and saw that gar has always opened up the possibility to be rbed by Eliza while finally regarding her a wolf when kiru pushed Eliza through mech.

Yup they believed that it will work. Didn’t gar at one point suggested that eliza’s rb claim opened up a possibility of them 50-50 being town. Hell, even others were convinced of this.

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  1. Gar was voicing the idea that Eliza was Mafia (“kill Litten”).
  2. I think Gar also misread the available items in the OP?

Since it’s relevant to your solve, Eliza only confirmed her “roleblock” after the allegations were discussed.

Yes, I was actually talking about this comment particularly where gar is saying Eliza possibly rbed him while also being open to the thought that Eliza killed litten.

Also, was this really a misinterpretion? Or a ploy to protect Eliza? He was giving way for Eliza to claim rb.

But ofcourse, this whole tinfoil theory can be simply wrong…lol

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@LuciferChaos you voted Leafia, but you never talked about the slot and you never talked about nor voted Eliza, could you please explain why?

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I don’t think she claimed after kiru’s suggestion tho which was turning point for Eliza to be proved as wolf