Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

why the strongest or why the top 4?


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I think there’s probably a wolf in you/vulg/guava/flygon because iirc each of you scumreads at least one of the others and I doubt that’s t v t v t v t

for you specifically I think there’s been times that’ve felt agenda-y and your thought processes have been harder to follow
the previous town game we played together you were really easy to track, but I’m not getting that here and it worries me
tho tbf this was a year ago and things might’ve changed since then but I still don’t like it

they don’t all mutually sr each other so this isn’t technically true
but the point stands

fair enough… i’m struggling this game more than usual to have confident reads which is probably affecting my transparency with my thought process. i’ve just looked at multiple isos without really changing my conclusion from before. that said, i’d rather be honest about this than pretending i have confidence or thoughts when i don’t. i do think if you only remember playing with me a year ago, you are however using outdated meta

it’s funny because what you’re scumreading me for is not actually a problem i’d have as a wolf… like being able to produce villagery content and engaging thoughts would be my one saving grace here because i can just make up nuanced thought processes with ease

Douche was the wrong term, I don’t have the English to explain it right now cause like I’m bad at my own language.

I apologize if you took it the wrong way.

But to try to explain what I meant a bit more, basically a wolf that targets a town member and makes them look bad despite what they did not be bad and try and take things out of context and try to push their way onto it and still be town read on the process.

Probably still explained it poorly but I hope it’s semi clear even if it’s still not fully explained.

It might have been this post that I believed to be pocketing, I don’t remember the exact post and I’m low on time sorry.

“Doesn’t care about Context, continues to target”.

When I come back next I’m gonna try and get those associations in regards to Arctic and Penguin and I’m gonna ping everyone town reading Arctic 3 of his wolf games so people can understand how Arctic is as a wolf.

Flygon, Flygon

I suppose

I don’t think I’ve actually played a game with you as wolf so that might be skewing my read

Make sure to keep an eye out when I give the link to Arctic’s wolf games.

Unless @Arctic wants to post their wolf games instead. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It’d save me time!

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i love how you act like posting my wolfgames is going to out me when in reality anyone who actually looks at my last wolfgame specifically would know i’m not a wolf in this game, including (one could hope) you

i’ve brought up the game several times already, if you want to force everyone to read it then be my guest…

the rules


VOTE: Squirrel2412

This slot can die, mostly based on the lack of engagement in thread activity during D1 (especially when they were online at points others were, they seemed far too afraid to actually enter any sort of conversation which striked me as odd. Also they ended up not even voting by EOD1 despite numerous times of them being in the thread, I don’t think they have much of an excuse for this because while they stated they were busy irl, they had more than enough time in the thread to come up with a read and place a vote.

Also their SOD2 is just common wolf-entering thread with case on dead player that they killed sort of thing.

Next point, Arctic just is not town lmao, especially with his vote on Eliza at the very end but also with his interactions at EOD, this just doesn’t come from him in like almost every town game I’ve played with him in, he’s usually confident in his reads, this time he just voted Eliza because he wasn’t confident in other ones.

My one issue with this and why I’m not voting him over Squirrel is that he seems a lot more relaxed in his posting as if he really doesn’t care about it whatsoever not to mention his SOD felt more townie from him, it’s just his EOD massively fucking with it all because it just feels a lot more odd. I’m gonna read him more this day than other players ngl.

That EOD CFD on Eliza was atrocious, CFDs almost always hit town and I’m mostly disappointed that literally no one called it out, there were literally 3 amazingly strong town players there, two of which held reads towards the counter wagons (Kanave and especially Flygon) yet they voted Eliza.

@Ashlyn @Vulgard @Arctic
I’m sure you’ve probably already explained and if you have just show me where and I’ll see it, but what compelled any of you to vote Eliza there?

Also Kanave’s EOD vote on Eliza was horrible, it wasn’t needed yet I don’t see any reason on why so I want an explanation on that. @Kanave

I know this is just like “wow I wasn’t involved in this so I have full rights over all of you” but like genuinely what in the hell.

I mean even if its someone who isn’t playing the game its on them to appear towny, im not going to give you a pass just because i don’t think they’re trying (which i still think they are)

I wouldn’t go that far but its worth considering

Bad faith meaning you don’t actually believe what you’re arguing and are just saying it for some other motiviation, ie: being a wolf

you just deadass admited “Yeah I was arguing in bad faith what of it” :skull:

well now that I know it was bad faith yeah it was bad faith what of it come at me

If you actually think Arctic isn’t town then why are you voting a vanity wagon when Arctic is an ongoing wagon?

This is why mafia wins 90% of games, cause we don’t think and apply teamwork and common sense like “oh fuck instead of voting a vanity wagon maybe I should vote the other wolf that players are already voting.”

Besides, Arctic is also a person who can get away with every single thing and win the game automatically unless you do something about it and execute them as fast as you can.


Eh, I don’t agree with penguins points against guava (weird as it is i don’t find it hard to believe Guava would atually just argue in bad faith to get an sr of their exe’d) but I do believe that they genuinely think them. Not finding the Tone that the rest of us have been finding as bleeding town is Valid and I think i’m willing to
for now

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Penguin and Arctic Wolf Associations - Part 1

Stuff said like Bolded is usually how a partner talks about the other where they try and soft defend them or rather just make it so they don’t look bad.
Arctic would do this, it’s just generally what wolves do, plus Arctic would also coach his teammate.

This isn’t of context or anything cause it’s probably in regards to something off topic (idk I’m just looking at Arctic’s ISO) but here Arctic is using the exact term “not innocent”. I know someone be like “If anything this point makes them not aligned” but so be it, it’s a point and I beg a differ and think your wrong cause it’s either null or aligned, choose one or just ignore this point entirely.

This was in response to something penguin said.
I feel like there was allot said here and I’m like reading it and like “couldn’t this have been said shorter” I also Bolded parts that felt odd about it.

Can be Null, might be aligned revealed, take a look, see for yourself.

Kinda feels like partner talk and questioning them.

Definitely uses allot of questions to Penguin.

Ugh. Another I don’t like.

gotta love how the only people metareading me have outdated/incorrect meta and the people with actual up-to-date meta are pretending it doesn’t exist (looking at you vulgard)

i just don’t play like this anymore lol

lack of a better option. i was trying to take a least damage approach which is why i asked shending to see how much time he would have to play, but then he voted squirrel instead of like, a counterwagon which was more likely to actually happen and that felt town indicative to me so that kind of sealed the deal. i thought flygon was doing his unfortunately usual town behaviour at eod so i didn’t want to actively kill him, but i wouldn’t have been upset if he died.

is this what’s going on here? this is all just based on ego and paranoia? you can’t handle the thought of me winning against you again so you’re just tanking my game? if you want to convince people this is not the way to go about it, but i’m not complaining.

…are you trolling?
“it’s obviously not aligned but but you’re wrong because it is aligned and if you disagree with me then just ignore it”
this can’t be real life :joy_cat: