Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

now that Kanave has changed her vote back to me, I’ll explain my thought process

currently my vote is against Kanave, and it’s been on Kanave since yesterday because of technically being the instigator of the 3 votes against Eliza. I asked Kanave to vote me because I wanted to see if people would continue to vote Eliza if Kanave switched, though ultimately Guava switched to Flygon before Kanave responded, so there was no real correlation.

I made a useless play

Called town reading/liking your posts today.
Can’t say the same for allot of people


If I remember correctly I provided my reasoning on the Kanave/Eliza situation before I even voted.

No, I genuinely like their thought process and how they handled coming into the game.

It sounds to me like you were intentionally wanting both me and Eliza to be the main focus and insisting on Vulgard only voting between me and Eliza today.
Like from your post it was very obvious where your focus was and priority is. On only me and Eliza having a flip.

@Vulgard thoughts on this?


While we’re on the topic of voting Caspore
Literally what was this? Why was Ashlyn quoted? I don’t understand the correlation between that message and voting Caspore nor do I understand voting Caspore in general. Please clarify NP

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That’s crazy
I’m just gonna drop it because it’s not like I can change the way you initially interpreted a message though

nvm reread the conversation so I understand why Ashlyn was quoted at least but I still don’t really get why Caspore is being voted for that

I’m gonna be pretty busy tn

I’ve skimmed up to where magnus entered thread but nothing’s really stood out



Alright beat you to it Fam!

You must of missed it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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our reads are very different… i think this probably contains 0-1 wolves

can you explain this again sorry i may be dumb because i’m falling asleep rn but i don’t understand lmao

do you still wolfread guava now that this is cleared up?
i’m hoping you say no because they’ve felt villagery to me

in general wolves find it a lot easier to fake townreads than scumreads - that isn’t to say that randomly pushing several players is villagery, but i think in most cases a slot that’s mostly been making scumreads is more likely to be town than not, because wolves find it harder to push on people knowing that they are town. and, at least from my read of guava as a player, i don’t think he seems like the type of wolf to try and control the narrative in such a way he’s been doing this game, so i don’t think this is wolfy in a vacuum

similar thing has started happening to me from all the turbos i’ve been playing lol

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@Caspore what caused you to change your mind on the eliza with confidence to the extent that you asked kanave to vote yourself over them? or at least could you explain why you even made that post

If you had to vote someone outside of Me/Eliza, who would you vote?



how do you vibe with the rest when you are scumreading eliza?

i don’t. really like how easily they turn around with guava on this post either tbh. especially knowing who flygon is - they aren’t one to let go of their reads this easily normally, and my concern is exacerbated by the fact that guava has recently started pushing them. i also feel like if flygon really believed in their eliza read, then they wouldn’t be worrying about guava being a wolf, because it’s pretty obvious they are not aligned. once again, this is especially because of who flygon actually is, someone that’s prone to making worldviews based on one read

i don’t understand why this is something you would want to be making reads from-

at least you recognize it!

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even now that all players have posted the game doesn’t feel any clearer…

can someone townreading flygon sell me on it? their handling of eliza/guava feels like how a wolf would be positioning themselves and they haven’t really pinged me as town otherwise.

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Yes I am voting Caspore…and I just realized it looks like I was saying I’d bandwagon vote Ashlyn rather than bandwagoning off her post

Still waiting on @ElizaThePsycho yw

What would differentiate what it would look like? And why are you saying that when you just called them scum?

Because I felt like putting some pressure on Caspore

On mobile rn so able to respond to things but prob won’t be able to do close reads

What would differentiate what it would look like? And why are you saying that when you just called them scum?

yeah I am in fact calling Guava a wolf. This quoted bit is attached to Magnus’s point, it’s my takeaway of what Magnus is trying to say, sorry it was unclear.

Point, Check.

Case Closed.

Arctic also can’t see.


Just in case Arctic has sensitive eyes, I quoted it down to the very specific.

Flygon Flygon

But you’re taking Magnus’s point and saying “idk what that means for the alignment it could be town or scum”
So why are you drawing the conclusion that it is scum
What differentiates the scum motivation from the town one

yeah I am in fact calling Guava a wolf. This quoted bit is attached to Magnus’s point, it’s my takeaway of what Magnus is trying to say, sorry it was unclear.

I realize that I made another ambiguous syntax moment, “this quoted bit” is referring to Penguin quoting when I said “Either Guava is very zealous about discovering the mafia, or wants to take control of the conversation to sway the public into a kill, but I can’t tell which it is.”