Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

i mean tbh i saw that but i don’t really believe it lol

like… if that were the case when you made the post then i don’t think you would choose the wording “vibe with the rest”. it just feels like a backtrack.

What prompted this change? Because you can’t deny that initially you were saying you were unsure of my alignment.

They did specifically point out a “feels weird” read before saying they vibed with “the rest,” so I actually don’t think it’s that big of a stretch

It’s happening literally in the same post lol
I want to just call this newbie scum TMI not wanting to commit to being wrong and call it a day

It was very clarification so people don’t shade me for something invalid.

And if you don’t believe it that means you consider me to be a wolf.
I don’t believe that you actually believe that I am to be a wolf, I never do that even if I got a wolf.

It was highly indicative I was referring to Shed and Dum weird vibes and you should have obviously been able to tell due to your first advancement on Shed.
Yet you seem to have forgotten my little issue on Shed didn’t you? The part where you mentioned TMI and I clearly responded to?

Or perhaps you didn’t notice the way you went about the me and Eliza situation, your stance was…interesting but there was no engagement or resolution like Vulgard brought with the V/V/V, course I could be wrong on that behalf but I’m pretty sure I’m right aren’t I?

It would appear your wolf reads here or what?
Just me?
Just the easy Pokémon buddy on the chopping block?
Yeah thought so.

Oh wait remember that one read you made?
The one with 2 players that you ended up just going “I’m actually not confident in either but I’m still gonna state why I don’t town read them”
Yeah I remember that too, hard to wolf read there?
Not gonna get or pressure them to produce more?

Don’t worry! Cause I’m here to NOT do what you are doing, I am here to pressure someone.

I am here to pressure YOU.

VOTE: Arctic

@ElizaThePsycho I ask for a compromise, a deal, pressure Arctic.

You can vote back to me if you still can’t do me as town afterwards.

I still think you can be a wolf but I know I can be wrong.

Flygon Flygon


i mean, i think my recent posts are clearly suggesting that i’m thinking you might be a wolf?
even if i don’t believe your follow up post, that doesn’t make you lock wolf to me… consider also how i am not lock wolf-reading eliza even though i don’t buy that her post on kanave was actually a reaction test. i don’t like basing my reads on black and white things like this.

i mean, it’s not hard to see that i’m kinda struggling to find the wolves right now. i think you did something that was wolfy so i called you out on it, and i’m not sure why you think you would be an easier target over like… caspore/eliza/NP, that part just feels disingenuous.

i don’t really think voting either of dum/NP would have actually done anything in terms of conventional pressure - both have their own unique playstyles and i’d rather just let them do their own thing to see if they become more readable. i didn’t have anything specific to ask them, and given how dum has stated he only has one read and NP has repeatedly asked to be left alone to do their own thing, i don’t see the problem with this.

4 hours ago
never change
(please do change actually)


What reason do you even have to not?
I specifically said that cause I KNOW someone could shade me for a post that wasn’t elaborated fully on.
That’s like, every Miss Execution ever.

“Struggling” I mean I don’t see you trying to engage in much to the degree you should be.
You’re not doing what you need to do to solve.
I know you’re capable of pushing, questioning and pressuring someone. All of which can help you get reads so don’t tell me your doing all of that cause your not when your wolf reads are basically blank other then me.

I also noticed that you maybe wolf reading Eliza?
Do you think we are wolves together?

Also like sure I’m aware you have been engaging with some people however most are just simple talk or town reads, there’s no desire to figure out alignment or at least not the wolves.
Like when Vulgard brought some stuff up in regards to you and I talk about it you seemed very intense towards it but you didn’t even try and look at Vulgard and interact with them for alignment or not that I could see.

And you had a decent amount of interaction with the Penguin, did the Penguin give you any idea on what their alignment is?

Remember the game you got executed day 1 and Arctic was your main pusher and was wolf.
How does it compare to this game?

Flygon Flygon

What prompted this change? Because you can’t deny that initially you were saying you were unsure of my alignment.

So it’s like, your current suspects are Flygon, NinjaPenguin, and Eliza. I don’t know what Penguin’s alignment is, but I decided Eliza wasn’t a wolf because she has completely refused defending herself despite all of the scrutiny placed on her. I feel like it would be in her best interest to remove those suspicions if she was a wolf, but she has outright gone against that to the point of incurring Flygon’s vote.

I put Flygon as town because they were deadset on Eliza even after opinion started shifting. However now Flygon is going all super villain monologue and that’s a weird sign, I have no idea how to take it, but admittedly it’s not a good look for me that Flygon has suddenly started backing me after I decided to go after you, Guava.

It’s happening literally in the same post lol I want to just call this newbie scum TMI not wanting to commit to being wrong and call it a day

I know there’s a lot of holes in my argument cause I’m super new and I don’t actually know how to formally prove a read, but considering I am going after Guava (who appears to have public opinion on their side) compared to Flygon who has moved into the suspect seat, I think that clears me of suspicion. Again, if I wanted to lay low, I had no reason to puzzle Arctic, Ashlyn, Dum, and Vul right after being considered a townperson, and that goes double for trying to challenge Guava. Guava is taking up a lot of importance here, why would I openly publicly challenge that instead of just killing her when the night’s over? That would be a lot safer and I wouldn’t be directly connected to the killing.

So I think that picking on Guava over Flygon is more rewarding than Flygon, since Flygon by consensus seems to be less trustworthy than Guava. If I’m right we can avoid Guava amassing too much power later, and if I’m wrong, well, Flygon’s digging their own grave anyway.

oh right I should ping penguin for the second bit @NinjaPenguin

i deleted my draft so i could respond to this
how do you feel

deadass i can’t remember a time you’ve tried to clear people as town in like, any game

NO LITERALLY I’m like their reaction to getting pressured… I don’t know if it’s wolfy but it’s making me fear for their mental state in relation to the game like the stress is dripping off of them :sob::sob:
Also it feels like they just jump on anyone who agrees with them, they did it earlier with me and Magnus, it still feels wolfy but :man_shrugging:t2: Considering people thought two people both saying “it can be” to your question earlier was wolfy maybe I’m the one who doesn’t know what they’re doing

Going after someone people think is town instead of someone people think is wolf does not clear you :sob::sob: you aren’t cleared because you’re not like other girls


This logic makes a lot of sense. I wasn’t explicitly townreading you before, but I definitely think you’re town now.

This tracks
Also I like being talked at but don’t make me go over the post cap I will cry like a little baby

I don’t want to much power anyway. It feels a lot better to be exe’d day 1 and watch everyone realise they were wrong than be night killed night 1 and everyone’s just like “yeah that tracks”

Why would I say people are town? That makes them more likely to die the next night and if I trust them I want them to live.

so people dont misexe them

Well yeah but people just seem to say townreads completely unprompted

Just wanna pop in to say im far from caught up, but ill have at least 2-3h to read up a bit and respond to at least some things later today when i get home.

Just scrolled randomly for a sec and saw mentioning something about Flygon going all super-villain on us. Thats the most hype trailer for my reread later i could imagine! Sure looking forward to seeing what that means


Cya latah!

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Oh right 1 more thing. Can someone @ me with an explanation on how to crop out a part of someones post and respond to it on mobile? (If thats possible)