I’m unwilling to make such a massive commitment
I’m unwilling to make such a massive commitment
I’m willing to make such sacrifice
the more I think about number poker, the more it just feels like if someone cranked Mastermind to 10
Technically, the base concept is the same. (I have a code what you need to figure out.)
But the feedback loop is different. (Instead of correct position, incorrect position and empty, you learn five cards, which sums up to the “guess”)
I am closing signups now.
Game will start in about 20 minutes with randomizing 9 number per players.
@Zone_Q11 @Ash @Squirrel2412 @Marshal
numbers will be generated per player base. (it’s possible to get duplicate numbers.)
You should make a ranked list of ten numbers, which numbers you want to get and send me the list privatly in 24 hours.
So rank 1, is the number you want the most, rank 10 is the one you want the least.
You will get any number, which ranked lower on your list, than anybody else’s. (until you get nine numbers)
But this is the prime time to give you some clues. (above the restrictions explained in the signup post.)
Even though the values only go up to fifty, there can be clues behind bigger numbers.
In addition, there are more odd number values in each suit, than even ones.
I won’t give any more clue to anyone during the game (except when they are using their special guess.)
let’s get randomizing.
The numbers up to grab are:
175 | 227 |103 | 233 |184 | 51 | 148 | 223 | 206
168 | 191 | 54 | 157 | 192 | 19 | 143 | 31 | 193
214 | 199 | 198 | 191 |138 | 63 | 59 | 155 | 164
209 | 94 | 184 | 163 | 80 | 77 | 21 | 182 | 42
In Increasing order, the numbers are:
19 | 21 | 31 | 42 | 51 | 54 | 59 | 63 | 77 | 80 | 94 | 103 | 138 | 143 | 148 |155 | 157 | 163 | 164 | 168 | 175 | 182 | 184 | 184 | 191 | 191 | 192 | 193 | 198 | 199 | 206 | 209 | 214 | 223 | 227 | 233
Do we get to see the results at 2025-02-11T18:00:00Z, or can we see it earlier if all of us have submitted our lists?
If I get each lists before the ddeadline, and I am avalaible, I will share the results as soon as possible.
Instead of ranking them based off of any semblance of strategy, I am instead ranking the numbers based on how much I personally like them
Don’t read too much into my rankings
In my case I tried turning off my brain and picking a set of numbers from P#28.
It did not work well.
I will post a tier list after draft is over
I recieved all list.
I give you 5 minutes for last minute changes. (but right now I am checking who gets which number.)
The remaing numbers up to grab are:
51 | 59 | 103 | 143 |155 | 157 | 168 | 175 | 182 | 184 | 184 | 206 | 214
Everyone who didn’t gain 9 numbers have 24 hours to message me a second ranking with 10 numbers from the remaining list. (it doesn’t matter how many numbers you got.)
(also there is no mod-error, if you see here a number you wanted to get, it means someone put the number on the same rank as - or lower rank than - you.)
13 unchosen numbers. That’s a lot of numbers.
Given my result, it feels like it wouldn’t be impossible for a player to not receive any numbers.
(But that would be crazy though.)
…? “Nobody gets the number if all involved parties put the number on the same rank” is a concept I understand. On the other hand, I don’t understand the section I quoted.
If (A puts [n] at Rank X) and (B puts [n] at Rank Y), then (as long as X is not equal to Y) either A or B should receive [n], right?
if there are three person putting down the same number, and two put on the same rank, while the third party places it on a higher rank, the third party won’t get the number. (even though there is no one who puts the number on the same rank as them)
(at least not in the first round of drafting.)
It’s situational, but it can happen.
That seems kinda silly to do, but whatever.