number poker [v2] game over: draw

I don’t stop any of you to co-ordinate.

But I won’t give the number to someone who shouldn’t get it, just because two other players didn’t coordinate well.

There’s a small issue with the idea cooperation in this game: We are competing against each other.

If it was a co-op game, then coordinating is recommended –arguably, it would’ve been mandatory. However, since we are competing for the highest score (which is to say, “guess and/or deduce the most amount of values of all 40 cards”) it has instead become the opposite, where cooperation is ill-advised unless necessary.

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Like, I could’ve said: “I really wanted low numbers like 19 and 21, so I will put them as my Rank 1 and 2”, but then -from a competitor’s POV- wouldn’t it make sense to do the same (i.e., put 19 and 21 at Rank 1 and 2) and block me from a guaranteed acquisition of 19 and 21?

It would’ve wasted 2 out of 10 slots in the list, but at least it would’ve guaranteed that I wouldn’t receive 19 and 21 in Draft Phase 1.

Maybe the same could happen again in Draft Phase 2, at which point -if it ties again- the acquisition of the number will be given to a random player.

Depending on how we perceive each other (in particular as competitors; as threats), it would be likely that we will do “something” to sabotage the other parties’ plan –or at least “attempt” to do so, assuming there is nothing to lose.

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For the record, I will treat this game the same way I did as last time. I am open to sharing information under the condition that it is done as a fair trade. I will give you information if you give me information. No party should leave a trade with empty hands.

…having said that, I fear that others might not trust me. I’d rather not want another game where I have to play the game in silence like I did with with Someone in the last game, so I shall give a challenge of sorts to whomever might be interested.

@Ash @Squirrel2412 @Marshal

I claim to possess [198]. I will play it on the first round of the second phase (i.e., when we submit our numbers as hands).

To whomever gets a Straight Flush in the first three rounds of the second phase, I will whisper you the result of [198] for free, as a sign of goodwill.

This is not a “first come, first serve” offer. If all three of you succeed in the challenge of luck, then I will reward all of you for it.


I claim to possess [69]

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whoever plays this game in an isolated way is going to get last place. I dont have any offers yet, but I will trade with many ppl


I probably won’t actively seek or make offers - “There must be a unique solution! Ignore that we’re guaranteed to have multiple solutions!” - but if you reach out to me with one, I’ll probably accept.


based on the numbers I got, y’all have terrible taste in numbers

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I’m willing to make trades and deals, but I’m probably not trying hard enough to initiate


@Ash @Squirrel2412 @Marshal

Hey folks, the current system (after we finish the second drafting phase) is basically:

  1. Players pick 1 number.
  2. Luna announces in public the type of hands, the rankings of the hands, and gives [the right to guess a card’s value] to the two players with the best hand. (Two guesses for 1st place; one for 2nd place.)
  3. Luna informs everyone privately what their hand entails. (Value / Number → Combination of Cards)

And this will happen about 10 times, but uh… the speed of this process (assuming we try to speed it up) is basically dependent on when Luna is available.

Can we agree to submit 3 numbers for the first time instead? It’s not like we will do much talking in the meantime anyway, right?

After the first 3 numbers, we can go slowly again and learn step by step, but I don’t really want to wait for info when the info we will learn for the first 3 hands are unlikely to be useful anyway.


I’m cool with that.


i’ll agree

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Everyone should have recieved their numbers.

Now people can play their first/first few hands.


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btw, this is wrong info.

Okay. What did I forget?

read again.
(especially the part, why player C didn’t gain a special guess in the example round)

Yes, and…?
I said:

Two players. A and B.
A is 1st place; gets 2 guesses.
B is 2nd place; gets 1 guess.

…ah. It depends on how many “valid hands of other players” you beat.

So, hypothetically speaking, if BCD all got a valid hand, then A could’ve won 3 guesses. Alternatively, if BCD all have invalid hands, then A wouldn’t get any guesses.

Given the latest restriction the players have learned, I feel like the odds of this happening has increased from “very much improbable” to “highly unlikely”.