number poker [v2] game over: draw

Everyone got their hand, and notified how many guesses they have left.

you have 24 hours to give a guess for as many cards’ value you want.

(you gain 1 point for each card’s value you guessed, while others didn’t.)

Okay. I got all numbers except S5.
…actually, I can check now whether I got S5 or not.

1 Like

Okay, I got all the numbers, so “welcome back to BotSCP”, where I have everyone’s claims and force everyone to cooperate by revealing their information.

Marshal is down for cooperation, though she prefers to solve solo if she could.

Ash has been cooperative with me so far, so I assume he is willing to cooperate.

Squirrel did say he didn’t want me to give Ash info on [51], but I’m not planning to “show numbers” with no proof. I’m planning on revealing all my steps; all my suffering, in particular when I despaired over [77] being DNS. So uh. Consider this payback for that incident. (Oh, also: He’s down for the cooperation route as well.)


(Gimme a couple hours to write everything down.)

…whoops. I meant to tag @Marshal.

Zone’s Entire Gameplay

Round 1 - 3
> Round 1
M> 31 Full House
A> ??? Three of a Kind
S> 164 Two Pair
Z> 198 DNS
> Round 2
S> 59 Four of a Kind
M> 21 Three of a Kind
A> 223 DNS
Z> 233 DNS
> Round 3
Z> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
S> 143 Four of a Kind
A> 209 Full House
M> 214 DNS

So uh… Yeah. Getting 2 DNS on the first three rounds really hurt. I thought the board would have more lenient card combinations, but at the time I didn’t realize that the average of 9s and 10s don’t exceed 40.

> Round 1-3 Summary
M? 21 Three of a Kind
M? 31 Full House
S? 59 Four of a Kind
S? 143 Four of a Kind
Z> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
S? 164 Two Pair
Z> 198 DNS
A? 209 Full House
M> 214 DNS
A> 223 DNS
Z> 233 DNS
A> ??? Three of a Kind

Round 4 - 6
> Round 4
S> 191 Four of a Kind
M> ??? Four of a Kind
A> 19 Full House
Z> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)

Me getting a lower result than Ash means he has a Full House of higher rank than mine, because his hand’s value is lower than mine. It could have been Full House 3-X, but I was dead-set on assuming it was Full House 2-1 due to how low the hand’s value is.

During the preparation of Round 5, I traded my [157] and [54] for Squirrel’s [143] and [59].
I also learned during this time that [191] was thankfully a valid hand.

> Round 5
A> 63 Four of a Kind
Z> 192 DNS
S> 227 DNS
M> 206 DNS

At this point I was doomposting because I had a lot of even hands, and proposed another skip. When I saw that it wasn’t looking favorable, I dismissed the idea and opted to gather information instead with what little bargaining chips I have. I knew 191 was valid, so I figured I should learn that to gain one more leverage.

I traded my [54] for Ash’s [63]. He also told me his Round 1 Joker was 128.
I traded my [157] for Marshal’s [131].

> Round 6
M> 163 Four of a Kind
Z> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
A> 94 Full House
S> 80 Full House

I traded my [191] for Marshal’s Round 4 Joker, which turned out to be [59]. NGL, it was a bad trade, but I said I would took the deal, so I still gave her [191]. FWIW I can at least confirm that Squirrel’s information was legitimate, so it wasn’t as if it was a total loss.

Also, since Marshal’s Four of a Kind won against my 4oaK 9, I knew it was 4oaK 10. I just didn’t know what the 5th card was.

> Round 4-6 Summary
A? 19 Full House
M? 21 Three of a Kind
M> 31 Full House (H3, C3, S3, H2, C2)
Z> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)
S> 59 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, C3)
A> 63 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, H3)
S? 80 Full House
A? 94 Full House
A? 128 Three of a Kind
S> 143 Four of a Kind (D8, H8, C8, S8, C9)
Z> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
M? 163 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, _Y)
S? 164 Two Pair
Z> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
Z> 192 DNS
Z> 198 DNS
M> 206 DNS
A? 209 Full House
M> 214 DNS
A> 223 DNS
S> 227 DNS
Z> 233 DNS

With the information I had gathered, I could start deducing some information.

> Deductions
H3 = C3 + 4 // 63 minus 59
D10 = C6 + 34 // 191 minus 157

…it ain’t much, but it was all I got.
At least I learned that D10’s value is at least 34, for what it’s worth.

Round 7
> Round 7
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9)
M> 103 Full House
A> 184 DNS
S> 77 DNS

I said we got “bad” numbers in public because of the number of DNS we got. Heck, I ended up having half of all my hands being invalid.
By the way, see that 77 DNS over there? Yeah, that’s going to be the cause of an all-nighter.

I traded my [191] for Ash’s [209] and Squirrel’s [164].

> Trade Results
S> 164 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, H9, C1)
A> 209 Full House (D10, H10, S10, D9, H9)
Time to do some math. (Figuring out Clubs' nature.)
> Deductions
D10 = C1 + 45 // 209 minus 164

> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
> 193 Full House (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9)
> 209 Full House (D10, H10, S10, D9, H9)

209 + 193 - 191 = 211
2×D10 + 2×H10 + 2×S10 + All 9s - All 9s - D10 = 211
2×H10 + 2×S10 + D10 = 211

Regardless of what H10 and S10 are, 2× [anything] will result in even number.
You can’t make an odd number with even numbers only.
Ergo, D10 is an odd number.
Ergo, C1 is an even number.

D10 is either 47 or 49.
C1 is either 2 or 4.
In an earlier deduction, I said [D10 = C6 + 34].
Ergo, C6 is either 13 or 15.

By this point, I saw [2] and [13], and my first thought was: Prime numbers.
I guessed C10 as [29], and I was correct. Clubs consists of prime numbers.

Suit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Diamond 47
Heart 9
Club 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
Time to do some math. (Solving 163's hand.)
> Deductions
2×H10 + 2×S10 + D10 = 211
2×(H10 + S10) + 47 = 164 + 47
H10 + S10 = 82

> 193 Full House (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9)
47 + (82) + 23 + S9 = 193
S9 = 41

> 163 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, _Y)
47 + (82) + 29 + _Y = 163
_Y = 163 - 158 = 5

This is when I “hypothesized” the 5th card of [163] was C3. (It just happened to be correct since apparently C3 was the highest-ranked card with value 5.) The moment I learned this, I turned [163] into a bargaining chip.

Suit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Diamond 47
Heart 9
Club 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
Spade 41
Time to do some math. (Seeing Diamonds' nature.)

I don’t think I can explain my reasoning for the next step without revealing a little secret, so it is time to let the cat out of the bag. You see, because of the amount of DNS I got (and about to get) at the time, I was given a second answer my hand, [193]. Said hand could not only be formed with (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9), but also with (D10, H10, C10, H9, S9).

> Deductions
S10 = H9 + 6 // 193-1 & 193-2

> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
> 193 Full House (D10, H10, C10, H9, S9)
H10 + C10 = D9 + C9 + 2
H10 + 4 = D9

> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
D9 + H9 + 23 + 41 + 13 = 157
D9 + H9 = 80

> 193 Full House (D10, H10, C10, H9, S9)
47 + H10 + 29 + H9 + 41 = 193
H9 + H10 = 76

I showed in a previous deduction that S9 = 41.
:arrow_right_hook: Min(S10) = 42
:arrow_right_hook: Min(H9) = 36

D10 = 47
:arrow_right_hook: Max(D9) = 46
:arrow_right_hook: Max(H10) = 42
:arrow_right_hook: Max(H9) = 41

|H9| = [36…41]

H9 H10
36 40
37 39

There are only two possibilities for H9 and H10, because if it goes further, then it would break the concept of “when it comes to cards in the same suit, cards of lower rank are strictly lower than cards of higher rank”.

If H9 = 37, then [D9 = 43], [S10 = 43], and [H10 = 39].
If H9 = 36, then [D9 = 44], [S10 = 42], and [H10 = 40].

I have a bias against even numbers in this game, and 43 is a prime number like D10’s [47], so I spent a guess on D9 being [43], and I was correct. I saw the pattern, and hypothesized that the Diamonds also consisted of prime numbers. I immediately spent another guess on D1 being [13], and I was correct, proving my hypothesis.

Suit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Diamond 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47
Heart 9 37 39
Club 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
Spade 41 43

Using my newfound knowledge, I traded [163] for Squirrel’s [80].

> Round 7 Summary
A? 19 Full House
M? 21 Three of a Kind
M> 31 Full House (H3, C3, S3, H2, C2)
Z> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)
S> 59 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, C3)
A> 63 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, H3)
S> 77 DNS
S> 80 Full House (D6, H6, S6, C1, S1)
A? 94 Full House
M? 103 Full House
A? 128 Three of a Kind
S> 143 Four of a Kind (D8, H8, C8, S8, C9)
Z> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
M> 163 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, C3)
S> 164 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, H9, C1)
A> 184 DNS
Z> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
Z> 192 DNS
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9)
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, C10, H9, S9)
Z> 198 DNS
M> 206 DNS
A> 209 Full House (D10, H10, S10, D9, H9)
M> 214 DNS
A> 223 DNS
S> 227 DNS
Z> 233 DNS

Round 8
> Round 8
M> 175 Four of a Kind
S> 51 Four of a Kind
A> 168 Two Pairs
Z> 182 DNS

I chose 182 in hopes of gaining any information, but alas.
I figured out later on that “any even hand over [176] are invalid”.

I traded [163] for Ash’s [168]. I immediately regretted trading since I “could have already known” its components, but I was too lazy to perform a bottom-up check for each and every hand’s component. It was a bad trade, but I didn’t lose too much from it.

I traded my [54] for Ash’s [94] and Squirrel’s [164] second-hand through Marshal. Confirming Squirrel’s [164] was nice, but learning the components of [94] was far more interesting.

> Deductions
> 94 Full House (D8, C8, S8, C1, S1)
> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)
D8 = H1 + 40
41 = H1 + 40
H1 = 1

…oh, and I kinda brute-forced Marshal’s [175] as well, since I already know the values of [all 9s], [all 10s], [all Clubs], and [all Diamonds] by this point.

> Round 8 Summary
A? 19 Full House
M? 21 Three of a Kind
M> 31 Full House (H3, C3, S3, H2, C2)
S? 51 Four of a Kind
Z> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)
S> 59 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, C3)
A> 63 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, H3)
S> 77 DNS
S> 80 Full House (D6, H6, S6, C1, S1)
A> 94 Full House (D8, C8, S8, C1, S1)
M? 103 Full House
A? 128 Three of a Kind
S> 143 Four of a Kind (D8, H8, C8, S8, C9)
Z> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
M> 163 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, C3)
S> 164 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, H9, C1)
A> 168 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, S9, C1)
M> 175 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, C7)
Z> 182 DNS
A> 184 DNS
Z> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
Z> 192 DNS
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9)
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, C10, H9, S9)
Z> 198 DNS
M> 206 DNS
A> 209 Full House (D10, H10, S10, D9, H9)
M> 214 DNS
A> 223 DNS
S> 227 DNS
Z> 233 DNS
Suit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Diamond 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47
Heart 1 9 37 39
Club 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
Spade 41 43
Round 9
> Round 9
A> 155 Straight Flush
M> 42 Four of a Kind
S> 148 Three of a Kind
Z> 184 DNS

I used [184] to delay the use of my wildcard as much as possible, and to ensure that others wouldn’t get an extra guess. (I have to use [184] at one point anyway, so I might as well use it as soon as possible.)

I traded Ash’s [209] for Squirrel’s [51] after promising him to not leak [51] to Ash. (Well, that’s no longer happening though, now that I’m revealing everything.)

> Deductions
> 51 Four of a Kind (D3, H3, C3, S3, C5)
19 + 9 + 5 + S3 + 11 = 51
S3 = 7

> 31 Full House (H3, C3, S3, H2, C2)
9 + 5 + 7 + H2 + 3 = 31
H2 = 7

Around this time, I realized that Diamonds is not in Ash’s [19] Full House.
If D2 is in it, then four other cards would have to add up to [2].
If D1 is in it, then three _2s and one _1 would have to add up to [6].
Even if you use H1 and C2, then you’d still have to use two _2s to add up to [2].
Since that’s impossible, I learned that Ash’s [19] only contains Hearts, Clubs, and Spades.

|S1| = [3,4,5]
|S2| = [4,5,6]

At this point I see “3”, “5”, and S3 being a 7. I see a sequence of prime numbers.

Without spending any guesses, I just assumed [S1 = 3] and [S2 = 5]. Using this biased information, I brute-forced Ash’s [19] and Marshal’s [21]. By this point, I have enough information to brute-force Marshal’s 42 and Squirrel’s 148. (Well… I was wrong on Squirrel, because my hand was not the best hand, but eventually I got it though.)

> Round Round 9 Summary
A> 19 Full House (H2, C2, S2, H1, S1)
M> 21 Three of a Kind (H2, C2, S2, C3, H1)
M> 31 Full House (H3, C3, S3, H2, C2)
M> 42 Four of a Kind (D3, H3, C3, S3, C1)
S> 51 Four of a Kind (D3, H3, C3, S3, C5)
Z> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)
S> 59 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, C3)
A> 63 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, H3)
S> 77 DNS
S> 80 Full House (D6, H6, S6, C1, S1)
A> 94 Full House (D8, C8, S8, C1, S1)
M? 103 Full House
A? 128 Three of a Kind
S> 143 Four of a Kind (D8, H8, C8, S8, C9)
S> 148 Three of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, H8, C1)
A? 155 Straight Flush
Z> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
M> 163 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, C3)
S> 164 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, H9, C1)
A> 168 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, S9, C1)
M> 175 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, C7)
Z> 182 DNS
A> 184 DNS
Z> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9)
Z> 192 DNS
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, C10, H9, S9)
Z> 198 DNS
M> 206 DNS
A> 209 Full House (D10, H10, S10, D9, H9)
M> 214 DNS
A> 223 DNS
S> 227 DNS
Z> 233 DNS
Suit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Diamond 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47
Heart 1 7 9 37 39
Club 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
Spade 3 5 7 41 43
Round 10

Let’s switch up the formula a bit. I will show Round 10’s results later to get you to understand my thought process during this round.

Around the start of Round 10, after I learned H1’s value, I was cross-checking invalid hands, and I noticed that [77] should have been a valid hand. In my despair, fearing that all my results are wrong, I asked everyone to confirm whether the information they traded to me were correct or not. I spent an all-nighter trying to cross-check everything.

Fortunately, Marshal mentioned that Squirrel could have missed Round 7’s deadline, resulting in an automatic DNS with a random number attached to it.

…I was very upset at the situation, but anyhow, let’s continue the story. During my conversation with Ash, I confirmed my guess on his [19] was correct, and I also found out what [128] was. Ash was also kind enough to trade his [155] for my [193].

(I already figured out the Straight Flush's suit, but I need a confirmation that it was 6-10 and not something like 5-9 somehow.)

155 Straight Flush comes neither from Diamonds nor from Clubs.
Clubs’ Straight Flush are [28, 39, 53, 67, 83, 101].
Diamonds’ Straight Flush are [101, 119, 139, 161, 181, 199].

S8+S9+S10 = 113
For Spade to be the Straight Flush, the sum of S6 + S7 must be 42.
Max(S6) = 27
Max(S7) = 28

If we follow the trend of prime numbers, then S6 (19) + S7 (23) = 42. It was too good to be true, so I spent my fourth guess on S6 being [19], and it was wrong. S6 is higher than [19], which means that [155] was Hearts’ Straight Flush.

Time to do some math. (Guessing Hearts' nature.)

Marshal and I figured out that her code was a bit wrong, which had given her errors and paranoia about Ash and I conspiring against her by intentionally DNS’ing [182] and [184]. (I forgot that was even an option, since it’s so stupid to intentionally burn a source of information for the sake of poisoning someone else’s well.)

She offered her [103] and two special guesses in exchange for [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5], and I accepted the deal. (Primarily for the extra guesses.)

> Deductions
> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)
1 + 2 + 3 + 19 + S8 = 54
S8 = 29

> 143 Four of a Kind (D8, H8, C8, S8, C9)
41 + H8 + 19 + 29 + 23 = 143
H8 = 31

> 80 Full House (D6, H6, S6, C1, S1)
31 + H6 + S6 + 2 + 3 = 80
H6 + S6 = 44

> 155 Straight Flush (H6, H7, H8, H9, H10)
H6 + H7 + 31 + 37 + 39 = 155
H6 + H7 = 48

> 59 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, C3)
23 + 13 + 7 + S4 + 5 = 59
S4 = 11
S6 H6 H7
26 18 30
25 19 29
24 20 28
23 21 27
21 23 25

The deadline for Round 10 was approaching, and I have yet to submit my wildcard. I used bias against even numbers for this game, and removed those from the options. I asked Marshal to guess H6 as [19]. H6 is higher than [19].

After being pep talked by Luna, I saw a pattern in Diamonds and Hearts, albeit not complete. “H2-8 is D2-8 minus 10”. I guessed H6 as [21] using my fifth guess, and it was correct.

Funny story: After guessing H6 correctly, Squirrel then informed me that he had learned [77]'s composition… because he knew I would be the first to figure out [77] is not DNS. (Yeah, uh. I dunno either. Maybe he struck a bet with Luna or something.)

Squirrel informed me he would be using his wildcard to get [30], and told me that I can guess for him. There was less than 90 minutes left, and I chose a number, but then Squirrel went AFK, and now we are stuck with his [30], of which the composition I already predicted. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

As for me, I was still hunting for S5 and S7. Even with the power of brute-forcing, there were too many possibilities, so I used my biased once more and removed all even numbers.

|S5|: [13,15,17,21]
|S7|: [25]

I tried to leave S7 over to Squirrel by instructing him to guess [108] in hopes of getting Four of a Kind (D7, H7, C7, S7, C2), but that uh… went nowhere. Still, I had to research something, so I focused on Straight Flushes. If S5 was 13, then a Spade 1-5 Straight Flush could be overridden by Club 2-6 Straight Flush, so I had to seek for Spade 2-6 Straight Flush instead.

S5 is not 13, because then S2-6 would be 59, and that was taken as 4oaK.
S5 is not 17, because then S2-6 would be 63, and that was taken as 4oaK.
S5 is either 15 or 21, and I chose the former. I set my wildcard as [61].

> Round 10
M> 199 Straight Flush (D6, D7, D8, D9, D10)
Z> 61 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, S3)
S> ??? Four of a Kind
A> 138 Three of a Kind

The moment I got two special guesses, I used one to guess S7 as [25]. It was correct.
Since S5 was not 15, I guessed S5 as [21] and it was correct.

–oh, also: Ash told me [138] had another composition, which was a better 3oaK than the one I made. It also had S7 and confirms that it is indeed [25].

> Round 10 Summary
A> 19 Full House (H2, C2, S2, H1, S1)
M> 21 Three of a Kind (H2, C2, S2, C3, H1)
S? 30 Four of a Kind (D1, H1, C1, S1, C5)
M> 31 Full House (H3, C3, S3, H2, C2)
M> 42 Four of a Kind (D3, H3, C3, S3, C1)
S> 51 Four of a Kind (D3, H3, C3, S3, C5)
Z> 54 Full House (H1, C1, S1, C8, S8)
S> 59 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, C3)
Z> 61 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, S3)
A> 63 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, H3)
S> 77 Four of a Kind (D4, H4, C4, S4, S6)
S> 80 Full House (D6, H6, S6, C1, S1)
A> 94 Full House (D8, C8, S8, C1, S1)
M> 103 Full House (H8, C8, S8, H4, S4)
A> 128 Three of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, C5, C1)
A> 138 Three of a Kind (H10, C10, S10, S7, C1)
S> 143 Four of a Kind (D8, H8, C8, S8, C9)
S> 148 Three of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, H8, C1)
A> 155 Straight Flush (H6, H7, H8, H9, H10)
Z> 157 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, C6)
M> 163 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, C3)
S> 164 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, H9, C1)
A> 168 Two Pair (H10, S10, D9, S9, C1)
M> 175 Four of a Kind (D10, H10, C10, S10, C7)
Z> 182 DNS
A> 184 DNS
Z> 191 Four of a Kind (D9, H9, C9, S9, D10)
Z> 192 DNS
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, S10, C9, S9)
Z> 193 Full House (D10, H10, C10, H9, S9)
Z> 198 DNS
M> 199 Straight Flush (D6, D7, D8, D9, D10)
M> 206 DNS
A> 209 Full House (D10, H10, S10, D9, H9)
M> 214 DNS
A> 223 DNS
S> 227 DNS
Z> 233 DNS
Suit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Diamond 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47
Heart 1 7 9 13 19 21 27 31 37 39
Club 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
Spade 3 5 7 11 21 23 25 29 41 43

And thus, I completed the board, and decide to share this information, because -genuinely- without all of you -players and host-, I couldn’t have made it.

…I spent 6 hours and 30 minutes writing this post.
I think I’m done.


@Ash @Squirrel2412 @Marshal
Let us finish this game… together! :wolf_knife:


oh mb

I went to sleep after I messaged you

I meant you could have my special guesses, which I figured we can use at any time


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I doubt I win this w/o zone. Mostly because I never figured out any sort of pattern, and even with my best-guess code (which I am VERY proud of) I don’t think I coulda narrowed it down completely using special guesses. So thanks zone


i cant really tell what the patterns are supposed to be for spades and hearts, still. Post-zone but pre-special-guesses, I thought it would be this:


but I was way off.


also, zone, I did hedge a little in the case that you couldn’t figure it out. Because you asked me to guess


h6 as 19

… but I knew h6 had to be 19, 21, or 23. So h6 as 21 was a better guess. But I knew by that point I could narrow it down even with that suboptimal guess, so I never said anything to you about guessing 21 instead. I still did actually submit 19 as the guess, because I wanted to honor the terms of the agreement, even though I could have theoretically submitted 21 and told you the same info that I would get from 19


Hang on; I think this contradicts my 209?
Give me a second to double-check.

Wait, no, I’m stupid.

It would’ve been much funnier if you didn’t post again until the game ended :wowee:

1 Like

I still have all five of my special guesses if you needed those.

No. Honor must be kept.

Everyone gave me fun.
Therefore, I shall return the favor.

1 Like

Pulling out the supplemental program I wrote that to find the best hand for all numbers:

A Lot of Numbers

5 - DNS
6 - DNS
7 - DNS
8 - DNS
9 - DNS
10 - DNS
11 - DNS
12 - DNS
13 - DNS
14 - Full House: C1-C2-H1-S1-S2
15 - DNS
16 - Full House: C1-C2-H1-H2-S1
17 - Two Pair: C2-C3-H1-S1-S2
18 - Full House: C1-C2-H1-H2-S2
19 - Full House: C2-H1-H2-S1-S2
20 - Full House: C1-C2-H2-S1-S2
21 - Three of a Kind: C2-C3-H1-H2-S2
22 - Four of a Kind: C1-C2-D1-H1-S1
23 - Three of a Kind: C2-C4-H1-H2-S2
24 - Four of a Kind: C1-C3-D1-H1-S1
25 - Full House: C3-H1-H3-S1-S3
26 - Four of a Kind: C1-C4-D1-H1-S1
27 - Full House: C2-C3-H2-S2-S3
28 - Straight Flush: C1-C2-C3-C4-C5
29 - Full House: C2-C3-H3-S2-S3
30 - Four of a Kind: C1-C5-D1-H1-S1
31 - Full House: C2-C3-H2-H3-S3
32 - Four of a Kind: C1-C6-D1-H1-S1
33 - Four of a Kind: C2-D2-H1-H2-S2
34 - Four of a Kind: C1-C2-D2-H2-S2
35 - Four of a Kind: C2-D2-H2-S1-S2
36 - Four of a Kind: C1-C7-D1-H1-S1
37 - Four of a Kind: C2-C3-D2-H2-S2
38 - Four of a Kind: C1-C8-D1-H1-S1
39 - Straight Flush: C2-C3-C4-C5-C6
40 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-H1-H6-S1
41 - Four of a Kind: C3-D3-H1-H3-S3
42 - Four of a Kind: C1-C3-D3-H3-S3
43 - Four of a Kind: C2-C3-D3-H3-S3
44 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-H1-S1-S7
45 - Four of a Kind: C3-D3-H3-S2-S3
46 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-H1-H7-S1
47 - Straight Flush: S1-S2-S3-S4-S5
48 - Four of a Kind: C1-C10-D1-H1-S1
49 - Straight Flush: H1-H2-H3-H4-H5
50 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-H1-H8-S1
51 - Four of a Kind: C3-C5-D3-H3-S3
52 - Full House: C1-D4-H4-S1-S4
53 - Straight Flush: C3-C4-C5-C6-C7
54 - Full House: C1-C5-H1-H5-S5
55 - Four of a Kind: C4-D4-H1-H4-S4
56 - Four of a Kind: C1-C4-D4-H4-S4
57 - Four of a Kind: C2-C4-D4-H4-S4
58 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-H1-H10-S1
59 - Four of a Kind: C3-C4-D4-H4-S4
60 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-H1-S1-S9
61 - Four of a Kind: C4-D4-H4-S3-S4
62 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-H1-S1-S10
63 - Four of a Kind: C4-D4-H3-H4-S4
64 - Full House: C1-C5-D5-H1-S5
65 - Four of a Kind: C4-C5-D4-H4-S4
66 - Four of a Kind: C1-D1-D10-H1-S1
67 - Straight Flush: C4-C5-C6-C7-C8
68 - Full House: C1-C6-D6-H1-H6
69 - Straight Flush: H2-H3-H4-H5-H6
70 - Full House: C1-C6-D6-H1-S6
71 - Four of a Kind: C4-C7-D4-H4-S4
72 - Full House: C1-C7-H1-H7-S7
73 - Four of a Kind: C4-C8-D4-H4-S4
74 - Full House: C1-C7-H7-S1-S7
75 - Four of a Kind: C4-D4-H4-H6-S4
76 - Full House: C1-C5-D1-D5-S5
77 - Four of a Kind: C4-C9-D4-H4-S4
78 - Full House: C1-D6-H1-H6-S6
79 - Four of a Kind: C4-D4-H4-S4-S7
80 - Full House: C1-C6-D1-D6-H6
81 - Four of a Kind: C5-D5-H1-H5-S5
82 - Four of a Kind: C1-C5-D5-H5-S5
83 - Straight Flush: C5-C6-C7-C8-C9
84 - Full House: C1-C8-H8-S1-S8
85 - Four of a Kind: C3-C5-D5-H5-S5
86 - Full House: C1-C7-D7-H7-S1
87 - Straight Flush: S3-S4-S5-S6-S7
88 - Full House: C1-C10-D1-H1-S10
89 - Straight Flush: H3-H4-H5-H6-H7
90 - Four of a Kind: C1-C6-D6-H6-S6
91 - Four of a Kind: C2-C6-D6-H6-S6
92 - Full House: C1-C8-D8-H1-S8
93 - Four of a Kind: C3-C6-D6-H6-S6
94 - Full House: C1-C8-D1-H8-S8
95 - Four of a Kind: C4-C6-D6-H6-S6
96 - Full House: C1-C8-D8-H8-S1
97 - Four of a Kind: C6-D6-H3-H6-S6
98 - Full House: C1-D1-H1-H10-S10
99 - Four of a Kind: C5-C6-D6-H6-S6
100 - Full House: C1-D1-H10-S1-S10
101 - Straight Flush: C6-C7-C8-C9-C10
102 - Full House: C1-D1-D10-H1-H10
103 - Four of a Kind: C5-C9-D5-H5-S5
104 - Full House: C1-C9-H1-H9-S9
105 - Four of a Kind: C6-C7-D6-H6-S6
106 - Full House: C1-C9-D9-H1-H9
107 - Four of a Kind: C7-D7-H1-H7-S7
108 - Four of a Kind: C1-C7-D7-H7-S7
109 - Straight Flush: S4-S5-S6-S7-S8
110 - Full House: C1-C9-D9-H1-S9
111 - Straight Flush: H4-H5-H6-H7-H8
112 - Full House: C1-C9-D9-S1-S9
113 - Four of a Kind: C4-C7-D7-H7-S7
114 - Full House: C1-C10-H1-H10-S10
115 - Four of a Kind: C7-D7-H3-H7-S7
116 - Full House: C1-C10-H10-S1-S10
117 - Four of a Kind: C5-C7-D7-H7-S7
118 - Full House: C1-C10-D10-H1-H10
119 - Straight Flush: D2-D3-D4-D5-D6
120 - Full House: C1-C10-D10-H10-S1
121 - Four of a Kind: C8-D8-H1-H8-S8
122 - Four of a Kind: C1-C8-D8-H8-S8
123 - Four of a Kind: C2-C8-D8-H8-S8
124 - Full House: C1-C10-D10-S1-S10
125 - Four of a Kind: C3-C8-D8-H8-S8
126 - Full House: C1-C10-D1-H10-S10
127 - Four of a Kind: C4-C8-D8-H8-S8
128 - Three of a Kind: C1-C5-C10-D10-H10
129 - Four of a Kind: C8-D8-H3-H8-S8
130 - Full House: C1-C10-D1-D10-H10
131 - Four of a Kind: C5-C8-D8-H8-S8
132 - Full House: C1-D10-H1-H10-S10
133 - Four of a Kind: C6-C8-D8-H8-S8
134 - Full House: C1-C10-D1-D10-S10
135 - Straight Flush: H5-H6-H7-H8-H9
136 - Full House: C1-D1-D9-H9-S9
137 - Four of a Kind: C7-C8-D8-H8-S8
138 - Three of a Kind: C1-C7-C10-D10-S10
139 - Straight Flush: S5-S6-S7-S8-S9
140 - Three of a Kind: C1-C9-C10-D10-H10
141 - Four of a Kind: C8-D8-H6-H8-S8
142 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-H10-S8-S10
143 - Four of a Kind: C8-C9-D8-H8-S8
144 - Full House: C1-D1-D10-H10-S10
145 - Four of a Kind: C9-D9-H1-H9-S9
146 - Four of a Kind: C1-C9-D9-H9-S9
147 - Four of a Kind: C2-C9-D9-H9-S9
148 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-D10-H8-H10
149 - Four of a Kind: C3-C9-D9-H9-S9
150 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-H9-H10-S10
151 - Four of a Kind: C4-C9-D9-H9-S9
152 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-D10-H8-S10
153 - Four of a Kind: C9-D9-H3-H9-S9
154 - Three of a Kind: C1-C9-D10-H10-S10
155 - Straight Flush: H6-H7-H8-H9-H10
156 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-D9-H10-S10
157 - Four of a Kind: C6-C9-D9-H9-S9
158 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-D10-H9-S10
159 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H1-H10-S10
160 - Four of a Kind: C1-C10-D10-H10-S10
161 - Straight Flush: S6-S7-S8-S9-S10
162 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-D10-S9-S10
163 - Four of a Kind: C3-C10-D10-H10-S10
164 - Three of a Kind: C1-C10-D9-D10-S10
165 - Four of a Kind: C4-C10-D10-H10-S10
166 - Three of a Kind: C1-D9-H9-S9-S10
167 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H3-H10-S10
168 - Three of a Kind: C1-D10-H9-H10-S10
169 - Four of a Kind: C5-C10-D10-H10-S10
170 - Three of a Kind: C1-D9-D10-H9-S9
171 - Four of a Kind: C6-C10-D10-H10-S10
172 - Three of a Kind: C1-D10-H10-S9-S10
173 - Four of a Kind: C9-C10-D9-H9-S9
174 - Three of a Kind: C1-D9-D10-H10-S10
175 - Four of a Kind: C7-C10-D10-H10-S10
176 - Two Pair: C1-D9-D10-S9-S10
177 - Four of a Kind: C8-C10-D10-H10-S10
178 - DNS
179 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H6-H10-S10
180 - DNS
181 - Straight Flush: D5-D6-D7-D8-D9
182 - DNS
183 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H10-S7-S10
184 - DNS
185 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H7-H10-S10
186 - DNS
187 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H10-S8-S10
188 - DNS
189 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H8-H10-S10
190 - DNS
191 - Four of a Kind: C9-D9-D10-H9-S9
192 - DNS
193 - Full House: C9-D10-H10-S9-S10
194 - DNS
195 - Four of a Kind: C10-D10-H9-H10-S10
196 - DNS
197 - Full House: C10-D10-H9-S9-S10
198 - DNS
199 - Straight Flush: D6-D7-D8-D9-D10
200 - DNS
201 - Four of a Kind: C10-D9-D10-H10-S10
202 - DNS
203 - Full House: C10-D9-D10-S9-S10
204 - DNS
205 - Three of a Kind: D8-D9-H9-S9-S10
206 - DNS
207 - Full House: D10-H9-H10-S9-S10
208 - DNS
209 - Full House: D9-D10-H9-H10-S10
210 - DNS
211 - Full House: D9-D10-H9-S9-S10
212 - DNS
213 - Full House: D9-D10-H10-S9-S10
214 - DNS
215 - Two Pair: D8-D9-D10-S9-S10
216 - DNS
217 - DNS
218 - DNS
219 - DNS
220 - DNS
221 - DNS
222 - DNS
223 - DNS
224 - DNS
225 - DNS
226 - DNS
227 - DNS
228 - DNS
229 - DNS
230 - DNS
231 - DNS
232 - DNS
233 - DNS
234 - DNS
235 - DNS
236 - DNS
237 - DNS
238 - DNS
239 - DNS
240 - DNS
241 - DNS
242 - DNS
243 - DNS
244 - DNS
245 - DNS
246 - DNS
247 - DNS
248 - DNS
249 - DNS
250 - DNS

1 Like

im quite interested to figure out how you did this. Well, how you did this and managed to have it run in presumably under like a week

good job.

(i didn’t find the 215 two pair on paper, and the 103 four of a kind I overlooked, somehow I assumed that number was used for a higher 4oak already, since every number around it was as well. This resulted me missvalue that hand as a full house later. Zone would had one less guess. Probably doesn’t matter in the end)