One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

We will assert our superiority

By organizing an execution of our own design


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“me when i lie” means zorvo is lying. not that i am

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where did they lie

I’m not sure how I feel about Zorvo following up this vote, nor how I feel about him clarifying that he has a vibe townread on Jarek. Unfortunately, I wasn’t paying close enough attention during Hell Echoes to notice whether this is simply just how Zorvo tries to play now, or if he’s acting out of character because he’s a wolf.

This is also striking me as odd, bringing up a post just to commentate about his neutral read on it. Honestly, pretty wolfy from anyone - having that sort of indecisiveness implies a lack of motivation to solve, and posting about it implies a motivation to appear like one’s trying to solve.

Movies are insanely overhyped.

It reads to me potentially wolfy, I feel like “oh yeah just follow the wrong townie” is a decently strong newbie wolf instinct, as is “townie voted my wolfbuddy, gotta join them to look unaligned”.

Chat, I’d like you all to know that reading this post, for some reason, immediately made my brain conjure up a world where Brad is a wolfy townie who I’m gaslighting myself into thinking is my wolfbuddy, and I want to ignore it or provide minimal commentary to look aligned. Just wholesale created. I’m town.

Anyway, time to provide minimal commentary. I struggle to read Brad.

I especially struggle to read these kinds of posts.

Brad providing early townreads is normal, I’ll mark that down in my normal book, the big list of things that are normal that I write down every day. Every time I see something normal, I note it down there, so that I might have an archive to reference in the future.

Good question to ask.

I can definitely agree with this first part. Soft townread on Leafia from this post? I’m not sure why, it’s just the vibes I’m getting. If she is wolf, probably unaligned with Furtive, as phrasing things “isn’t a good look” sounds pretty town-spewy.

Oh damnit. Nope. Nevermind. She’s used “I will admit that” twice, and now she’s said “let’s see where this takes us”, exact phrasing she’s used when distancing from a buddy with a vote she doesn’t intend to follow up on.

Gotta study Eliza’s previous games under a magnifying class, but uhh, soft TR on this?

I don’t really agree, but I think this thought is townie.

Wolfy post.

They love me for my lowposting swag

Wolfy post.

Zorvo had this OMGUS kinda thing in his most recent wolfgame I think.

Unfortunately, I have to break it to you that I am not. This is just the way I am

Anyway VOTE: Zorvo Most likely wolf

The issue with my voting Zorvo here is that it does make a mess of the wagons, but I deserve to do whatever I want on account of May Bias, and also he’s a cut more wolfy than anybody else I can see here. Everyone else is pretty scattered around. It’s an hour and a half until EoD; let’s coalesce a little.

BradLand (3): furtiveglance, ElizaThePsycho, IcetFeelsPain
Jarek (1): Jaiden
furtiveglance (1): BradLand
IcetFeelsPain (1): Leafia
Jaiden (1): Zorvo
Zorvo (1): May

I see the case on Brad at least a little, and I don’t mind the vote, but it’s not telling to me as one that would be particularly informative, especially without a strong counterwagon. It’s a pretty resigned vote, IMO, and carrying it as the main wagon through EoD (which is in an hour and a half) feels very… stagnating. I want evidence. I love evidence <3

@BradLand you are at L-1 with a redcheck on you, defend yourself scum!


Yes it is telling. If he was a wolf, you’d expect at least one person to be defending him here and yet, no one is.

I don’t think Jaiden is a hit either. Jaiden is just being Jaiden. Possible Furtive/Ice team though. I hate how Furtive is acting towards Brad. He just sounds like a wolf pushing a misexe to me right now. So I’m going to do this: VOTE: Furtive

Admittedly, it’s possible that you’re onto something there. It’s definitely something to think about.

Someone please join Brad and I on Furtive. He’s far more likely to be a wolf here than Brad is.

i see you as more aggro as scum
icet was twtbw, not as sure on that now
eliza’s done nothing. thats nai for eliza
i didnt like brads entry and how he put everything as a shitpost but i wasnt sure if my ego was just hurt (i do think he could be paired with zorvo though)
furtive just came off weird to me. viberead on someone i just met
may has been MIA which is very unlike town may but hes very aware of this scum tendency after hell echoes
jarek also just came off weird, but i know him, so i put him lower
seths progression on me was weird, came out of nowhere and never fully explained his read

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TWTBAW is a myth. It doesn’t exist.

im not really swayed on both brad and furtive so unless i get shown the receipts ill let god decide

– someone who is often twbtw

Furtive sheeped Eliza’s read on Brad with very little to no explaination and I know Brad enough to know that he would’ve reacted differently to my pressure vote on him if he was a wolf.

That’s your opinion.

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I can see the case on Furt but they’re flipping town more than scum! Jaiden calls me TWTBW but I’m not a wolf and I’ve done nothing wolfy so I don’t know where that came from.

I’m staying on the Brad wagon but I’ll switch to Jarek and potentially Jaiden if their wagon comes up.

Sorry :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, I don’t know your meta reads. If you want to defend Brad, please present a more convincing case over I know Brad and I don’t know Furt so I’m going to vote Furt.

I know those reads might be valid to you, but to me? Nope.

I couldn’t care less if they’re convincing to you or not since I think you could very well be a wolf too.

we’ll see