One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Apparently ‘amber’ and ‘fire’ work well as colour tags instead of ‘yellow’ and ‘red’

Okay does anyone want to explain why I’m evil or is it just because you’re guessing.

Who am I kidding. of course it is.

Jarek do you want to explain why you’re town

How would that prove anything.

Is not the fact I am able to notice what I am doing that I think townies would like indicating I’d be just doing it for an act and not because I’m genuinely just playing that way

@zorvo is your read on Jarek being town still valid?

It’s at least telling and you’d expect his partner to be doing something if Brad is a wolf.

Disagree with Brad and Jaiden being good executions for today and we at least need a CW to help with wagonomics. I propose an Ice CW.

Going to head out for now too. I’ll be back before EoD though. :sleepingleafeon:

It’s just because I’m guessing, and it’s not a strong read.

It isn’t telling. Other people are doing things. Some are voting me, some are voting Icet.

I won’t be online around the deadline btw. Don’t vote me out

People think you’re evil!?

Eliza can you jailkeep me for the rest of the day? It means I can’t change my vote but I can’t get voted either.

I feel yeah.
Again why I’m throwing pressure on Jaiden.

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If Brad and Furtive are both town, person in the sidelines that Aren’t caring about either execution is a wolf, or very likely to be.
Look at Jaiden, she admitted it.
She admitted and put both Brad and furtive at below null and I know this for a fact because she said “Eliza is null” meaning Brad and Furtive are together below, proof she doesn’t care about either going over.

Jarek I need to to answer the following.

Would you vote Jaiden?
What’s your read on them?

me when i lie

I wouldn’t vote them today because I had a gut Town read and they can very easily be Town here.

But watch how they treat Jaiden here, I’m trying to see something.

I mean theoretically Jaiden is pushing on the possibility that it’s me and Brad and I’m trying to save Brad by pushing her but the issue is, they have Furtive lower then Brad but never even cared to join those wagons at all, not even Furtive who is lower then Brad for them.


Context please