One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

This is what I was looking for.
Thank You.

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Anyone want to vote that hasnā€™t voted?

You think Iā€™m a wolf?


Unless you referring to me figuring out Leafia if they are a wolf, then fair point.

YES. I donā€™t know why Leafia is in your pocket

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the fuck is this by the way

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Do you think itā€™s Brad and Leafia?

Are you actually confident in your Brad vote or are you just following Eliza here?

Thatā€™s called concern.

Because Iā€™m the top poster and mafia usually likes to kill that.

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no I think Leafia is town


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Iā€™ll keep you safe Zorvo. You might not be able to do your action though :3

Are you confident at all in your vote placement?

Yeah, might be a wolf trying to appear Townie.

VOTE: Jaiden

oh my b i thought you meant execution
ā€¦you think scum kills you n1 forā€¦ highposting?

this is still weird

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Action?!? You mean their action to kill?!? Zorvo are you a murderer?!?!?

Actually I think Zorvo is town now bc if there are 2 scum I do not believe they are one of them.

no??? nothing has happened this game

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Itā€™s really not, itā€™s very simple and a common reason for a night kill choice by mafia.

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What if thereā€™s 3 scum

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I wouldnā€™t say nothing as happened, just not much.

Do you not have any suspects?

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There already is 3 scum and Iā€™m the third


holy shit i raised slight concern towards zorvo and he immediately went for me
no explanation except ā€œscum want to act like townā€

what happened to your 12 point plan to being good town zorvo?

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