One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

I want your reads on Brad and Furtive please.

I am good Town, can’t handle a push?

I’m even giving you something and you’re complaining.
I question if your genuine with that or not.

holy shit give me a minute
im responding to your posts and youre spamming me
you seem to be threatened by something
is it the execution? eod is in 6 hours

slow down for a second. this is a conversation

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zorvo im sorry but you have never been threatenning to scum

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I was finna nightkill my man but ok

If you mean this, you should want something and you should answer my questions and deal with my push.
I’m pressure pushing you to get a better read of your alignment as thus that’s what pressuring a player does.
If I deem you to still be wolfy or more wolfy especially if you just decide to dip out, my votes gonna stay on you.

Oh yeah I’m ducking trembling in my boots with zero votes on me.

Then you can converse and respond to my question.

Threatning doesn’t mean high poster.
I’m good at figuring shit out.
Also Kiiruma killed me last game that just ended from basically a fear kill of me voting on him.




eliza is at perfect null
scum/town arent ordered there isnt enough to work on
these are my individual reads rn but i see a change coming

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im complaining because youre hyperposting and its exhausting
do not do that

@Jaiden why am I south of null? :pensive:

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this is historical I was finally put in a TR

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so unfair :broken_heart:

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zorvo are you aware that scum dont want their buddies to die?
youre freaking out over me out of nowhere just before an eod where brad is looking like the favourite

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I’m your lowest? Lol OK.

So what’s the secret read you wanted to say earlier in the game.
I’m curious do tell.

its like the slimest microread, something something your vote earlier or whatever

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So another words you don’t care about the Furtive/Brad situation.

zorvo just stop speaking

If your town, vote this.

You can too.