One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

You need to view on how it looks for them, not how it looks for the average player.

Slight mindmeld here. Jaiden’s post just feels like a villager annoyed at beong scumread to me.

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Yeah Leafia Eliza sorry to burst your bubble I’ve seen salty scum acting defeated countless times

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me too

don’t see what’s different here

me being upset over this is actually nai btdubs
see: hell echoes


yeah figured I just thought it was too relatable

guava fighting against people tring me like their read on me wasnt a single word
i cant fight this because theres nothing to fight against
what am i supposed to do? i ask questions and i get completely walled out
its almost like theres not a reason to fight against

sorry not guava, icet

I’ve gotta say @guavagudetama is insanely sus this game…zero posts? Talk about lurking…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


hey do you like
have thoughts
or just alot of haha funnies

Laughs head off

Begins searching for head


I really don’t think Bradland is a hit. Things seem way too calm for that.

I have thoughts. Really cool ones as well. But if I say them, I’ll get nightkilled. So…yknow. I’d rather live for a few days before solving the game on 'em.

I think I said some thoughts earlier…maybe? :thinking:

Maybe you want a proper coloured readslist.

Eliza, Ice, May, Zorvo
Leafia, Jaiden
Bradland, Jarek

There you go.

I see that yellow and red don’t display properly. Regardless, top is town

Leafia, I don’t find Dead Air Dead Villager to be a reliable adage. There are 2 Mafia, do you expect the other one to panic if Bradland is Mafia?

i was thinking something more natural but yeah sure that works

not usually, we have 5 hours and cfds are very common here, zorvos mad dash just wasnt usual

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Today Jarek / BradLand isn’t a bad execution. I’m also ok with Jaiden.

Natural, sure. I feel like ChatGPT here.

“I think Ice is town because he seems chill and just gives off that vibe yknow. May is easy read tryhard town, Eliza is obvtown no one plays like that as Mafia especially the case on Bradland, Zorvo is a metaread because I know him from a different site. Leafia has felt kinda neutral in a safe way so far, and I think your AtE could go either way. Jarek’s posts have left a little to be desired and Bradland calling every post a shitpost and then omgussing me is pretty obviously scummy.”

Is that better?

Would prefer the other 2 first