One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Have you been reading the thread?
Ice and Furtive both do.

I somehow did not pick up on thus

Anyway, I wonā€™t be here for EoD, I GTG now for the rest of the day.

I think itā€™s Jaiden currently.

I think Jarek could be a wolf with them.

If Jaiden goes over and flips wolf and Jarek didnā€™t vote it, vote out Jarek.

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BradLand (3): furtiveglance, ElizaThePsycho, IcetFeelsPain

New players rise up

And me

You lied to town?!? The faction whoā€™s goal is to find the truth?!? You know who else lies, Mafia. Wdym you lied. Why did you lie. What did you lie about. Why do you think itā€™s appropriate for a town to lie?!? Look at Zorvo, they want to see something from Jarek but instead of lying about it to bait something, they did the proper towny thing and said:

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what are we rising up for again

We will assert our superiority

By organizing an execution of our own design


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ā€œme when i lieā€ means zorvo is lying. not that i am

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where did they lie

Iā€™m not sure how I feel about Zorvo following up this vote, nor how I feel about him clarifying that he has a vibe townread on Jarek. Unfortunately, I wasnā€™t paying close enough attention during Hell Echoes to notice whether this is simply just how Zorvo tries to play now, or if heā€™s acting out of character because heā€™s a wolf.

This is also striking me as odd, bringing up a post just to commentate about his neutral read on it. Honestly, pretty wolfy from anyone - having that sort of indecisiveness implies a lack of motivation to solve, and posting about it implies a motivation to appear like oneā€™s trying to solve.

Movies are insanely overhyped.

It reads to me potentially wolfy, I feel like ā€œoh yeah just follow the wrong townieā€ is a decently strong newbie wolf instinct, as is ā€œtownie voted my wolfbuddy, gotta join them to look unalignedā€.

Chat, Iā€™d like you all to know that reading this post, for some reason, immediately made my brain conjure up a world where Brad is a wolfy townie who Iā€™m gaslighting myself into thinking is my wolfbuddy, and I want to ignore it or provide minimal commentary to look aligned. Just wholesale created. Iā€™m town.

Anyway, time to provide minimal commentary. I struggle to read Brad.

I especially struggle to read these kinds of posts.

Brad providing early townreads is normal, Iā€™ll mark that down in my normal book, the big list of things that are normal that I write down every day. Every time I see something normal, I note it down there, so that I might have an archive to reference in the future.

Good question to ask.

I can definitely agree with this first part. Soft townread on Leafia from this post? Iā€™m not sure why, itā€™s just the vibes Iā€™m getting. If she is wolf, probably unaligned with Furtive, as phrasing things ā€œisnā€™t a good lookā€ sounds pretty town-spewy.

Oh damnit. Nope. Nevermind. Sheā€™s used ā€œI will admit thatā€ twice, and now sheā€™s said ā€œletā€™s see where this takes usā€, exact phrasing sheā€™s used when distancing from a buddy with a vote she doesnā€™t intend to follow up on.

Gotta study Elizaā€™s previous games under a magnifying class, but uhh, soft TR on this?

I donā€™t really agree, but I think this thought is townie.

Wolfy post.

They love me for my lowposting swag

Wolfy post.

Zorvo had this OMGUS kinda thing in his most recent wolfgame I think.

Unfortunately, I have to break it to you that I am not. This is just the way I am

Anyway VOTE: Zorvo Most likely wolf

The issue with my voting Zorvo here is that it does make a mess of the wagons, but I deserve to do whatever I want on account of May Bias, and also heā€™s a cut more wolfy than anybody else I can see here. Everyone else is pretty scattered around. Itā€™s an hour and a half until EoD; letā€™s coalesce a little.

BradLand (3): furtiveglance, ElizaThePsycho, IcetFeelsPain
Jarek (1): Jaiden
furtiveglance (1): BradLand
IcetFeelsPain (1): Leafia
Jaiden (1): Zorvo
Zorvo (1): May

I see the case on Brad at least a little, and I donā€™t mind the vote, but itā€™s not telling to me as one that would be particularly informative, especially without a strong counterwagon. Itā€™s a pretty resigned vote, IMO, and carrying it as the main wagon through EoD (which is in an hour and a half) feels veryā€¦ stagnating. I want evidence. I love evidence <3

@BradLand you are at L-1 with a redcheck on you, defend yourself scum!


Yes it is telling. If he was a wolf, youā€™d expect at least one person to be defending him here and yet, no one is.

I donā€™t think Jaiden is a hit either. Jaiden is just being Jaiden. Possible Furtive/Ice team though. I hate how Furtive is acting towards Brad. He just sounds like a wolf pushing a misexe to me right now. So Iā€™m going to do this: VOTE: Furtive

Admittedly, itā€™s possible that youā€™re onto something there. Itā€™s definitely something to think about.

Someone please join Brad and I on Furtive. Heā€™s far more likely to be a wolf here than Brad is.

i see you as more aggro as scum
icet was twtbw, not as sure on that now
elizaā€™s done nothing. thats nai for eliza
i didnt like brads entry and how he put everything as a shitpost but i wasnt sure if my ego was just hurt (i do think he could be paired with zorvo though)
furtive just came off weird to me. viberead on someone i just met
may has been MIA which is very unlike town may but hes very aware of this scum tendency after hell echoes
jarek also just came off weird, but i know him, so i put him lower
seths progression on me was weird, came out of nowhere and never fully explained his read

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TWTBAW is a myth. It doesnā€™t exist.

im not really swayed on both brad and furtive so unless i get shown the receipts ill let god decide