One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Final VC

BradLand (3): furtiveglance, ElizaThePsycho, IcetFeelsPain
Zorvo (3): May, Jaiden, BradLand
Jaiden (1): Zorvo
furtiveglance (1): Leafia

Not Voting (1): Jarek

5 minutes to PM me for corrections


The group ponders… why are there traitors among them? Surely, they all had worked together to get here? Unfortunately, Serif’s words as the guardian of Eden could not be so easily dismissed…

Eventually, everyone had decided who they thought the traitor was, and…

Excuse me? That’s so not cool! Shouts Selicy. J-just because I tried to stab you all with icicles… that doesn’t… uuuugh whatever. Just send me back you overgrown bird.

@Zorvo has been banished! He was…


Day 1 has ended, and Night 1 has now begun! It will end at 2023-02-24T21:00:00Z.

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Alright everyone, the night is over! Let’s do a head count…

Well, everyone is still here! Ignoring Selicy because she’s busy coming back. How… convenient!

Nobody has died in the night! Day 2 begins, and will end 2023-02-26T21:00:00Z. You all may now post!

VOTE: bradland
explain eod right now

Bradland self-pres scumclaim, I think Leafia/Jarek for the partner

VOTE: Bradland

Eliza see you bussed! VOTE: BradLand

Bradland was selfpreding Jaiden. That’s a very scummy vote too. VOTE: Jaidrn

Furtive immediately voting Bradland too isn’ t a good look either.

No way does Bradland get three votes within the first 21 minutes if he’s scum. Not possible.


what the fuck does any of that mean leafia

You’re literally pushing on Bradland for wanting to survive. An NAI action. That and I think it’s possible Zorvo might’ve been right about you being scum with that super scummy vote of yours.

Leafia you know this isn’t a WF game?

what’s WF

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White Flag - when one Mafia remains, they auto-surrender

Hi Leafia I know you’re an experienced FoL player and all but:
Where I come from, voting last minute as a self pres with nothing or any explaination is what we call Mafia.

Never heard of that type of game.