One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Just the fact that Eliza held off on hammering Brad is a very good look for her in my eyes if I’m correct about Brad being town.

And believe me, I’m pretty sure that if Brad was scum there, he would’ve hammered himself a long time ago so I believe him completely about why he hasn’t been on until now. As well as about EoD1.

Going to head out now, so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

To make up for me forgetting to say it last night, heading out now, so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

I’m taking this as “you couldn’t think of anything negative to say”.

Nonetheless the rest of my point stands. I disagree on Brad reacting well, fmpov.

These posts are extremely defensive.

Why would Brad self-hammer?

Eliza had seven minutes after her last post to hammer Brad. She was definitely available at the time.
Honestly, I think Eliza holding off is a good look if Brad is Mafia. Seems in-character to sabotage her team when they’re likely going over.

Regardless of Brad’s flip, I think there’s at least one here.
Leaning towards Jaiden rn.

to cut off discussion

He did a much better job stalling by not selfvoting D1.


This is not a thing. No-kill is not a thing.

He also didn’t OMGUS me and it felt like a villagery kind of defensiveness. Also, can’t sleep.

If he’s a wolf he would do it to end day early. Duh. It’s literally antiwolf not to selfhammer in his position because it looked like the execution was always going to be Brad at the time.

If Brad is mafia…hmmm, maybe slightly and it would hardly be sabotaging her team if they’re both scum.


No one died last night and that quote literally has the host saying that no kill can indeed be a thing.

Brad OMGUS’d Furtive for following your vote, and got extremely annoyed about the arguments being presented and borderline attacked people.

If Brad’s a wolf, voting Zorvo instead of himself D1 successfully stalled time. For D2, Brad was never at L-1 except for that brief period of time before you changed your vote, which began five minutes after Brad’s last post, so he might not have seen it.

It wouldn’t be “sabotage”, but it would be leaving her teammate to die.

I know it can be a thing; I’m saying it never happens in practice.

Can we agree that Leafia is trying to maintain a contradiction in her reads?

  • She claims to think I’m scum.

  • She claims to think I’m scum with Bradland.

  • Instead of voting for her scumread at E-1 (Bradland), she wants to vote her scumread at E-3 (Me).

Does this make sense from a Town POV to anyone?

I was under the impression Leafia townread Brad and it was his prolonged silence that unsettled her.

Leafia was already voting Brad, and if she didn’t want to risk a hammer I’m not going to grudge her that.

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The truth is I’m not sure either what her current stance is, but I know that during this game day she’s held both of the following positions:

  • Furtive is scum pushing Town!Brad
  • Furtive is bussing Brad and I want to get Furtive as soon as Brad flips (red).
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Leafia is tunnelled on you, methinks.

I thought it was suspicious of Furtive too honestly.

That’s a big if because he could ver yuh well be a villager too.

True. It would. As well as ending the day early. Never good for town.

Sometimes it does. Whether it happened last night instead of the mafia killer getting jailkept is hard to say though.

Can weall agree that Furtive is just spouting BS now to try and shade me?

Your impression is 100% correct.

Yup. Tunneled on an obvious wolf.

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What Furtive is obviously doing is trying to get Brad misexed and once Brad flips v, then he’s going to claim that I had TMI that Brad was a villager and he’s going to try to get me executed next.

Can you answer the following questions:

  1. Do you acknowledge that you held both of the aforementioned positions during this gameday?

  2. What is your current read on Bradland?