One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Who do you think their teammate is I’m leaning towards Leafia a bit more now honestly but May / Jaiden / Eliza those 4 seem to have the highest chance imo

I can see it being Leafia going for the open pairing and then trying to partner swap with me. I townread May and Magnus so the others make up the other candidates I suppose.

No. It was meant for flavor of course.

At least one scum is pushing him. I don’t think he has scum defending him.

You’re just making it more and more obvious that you’re a wolf here you know.


im here kinda now!!! uploading some stuff from my old pc do i can continue my work on nerd things atm
ill try and be here. a little bit.

it appears nobody else is

i do NOT like this post

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i ALSO do NOT like this post

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well I love my posts

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Mindmeld 2: The Return of the Melders.

I don’t like that you didn’t explain why not.

I feel like most perspective slips come from townies though.

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Probably the same reason I didn’t. It seems tailored to misexe villagers.

Pointing out a perspective slip is scummy… how?

Brad still pretty much has to go over today… actually, I’ve seen wolves pivot on a scumread, but I don’t know how AI this individual post is.

How do you know it’s a perspective slip? How do you know it isn’t Brad being a villager and villagers defending him? It’s Furtive that needs to be executed today, not Brad. Furtive is super obviously a wolf.

This is Ice pointing out a perspective slip from you, that you separated yourself from the Town.

I don’t know Brad’s alignment, but he hasn’t done anything substantial all game and that’s a red flag, he’s acting out of character. He self-pressed D1 and disappeared for 25 hours; when he came back, he admitted he hadn’t cared about what Zorvo flipped, he had only wanted to survive. This is almost mountainous, so knowing the state of the D1 wagons is fairly necessary.

It was meant for flavor. Not a perspective slip or me seperating myself from town. I was being silly. Not everything is meant to be taken seriously you know.

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I’ve found that perspective slips usually come from Town, more often than not, anyway. Usually wolves seem to run into the opposite problem, verbally positioning themselves as a member of the Town way too many times to be natural.

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I think it’s pretty obvious Brad is a villager with everything that went on and I’ve seen Brad as both town and scum, and he feels squarely in his townmeta and can you really fault someone for wanting to survive and being sick IRL? I know w!Brad and if he was a wolf, he would’ve reacted way differently to my vote in him D1 and this push on him seems super opportunistic with Furtive wanting to quickexe Brad. That never comes from a villager.