One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

i may or may not have distracted may slightly so uh
@May cmere

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if we arenā€™t switching off Brad can we please get Brad to E-1 so we donā€™t get another random tie again.

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Yeah hold on this is all your fault Jaiden

omg me too

shut up crumb

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All I can do now is hope Iā€™m wrong in thinking that Brad is town.

Oh god, May was lurking. Thatā€™s even worse.


Anyway Brad execution good for my read of the gamestate VOTE: Brad

May W

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I wasnā€™t LURKING I have notifications for the thread on. I was on Discord. All morning

BradLand (4): Jaiden, furtiveglance, IcetFeelsPain, May
furtiveglance (2): BradLand, Leafia

Not Voting (2): ElizaThePsycho, Magnus

Although if Iā€™m correct in thinking heā€™s a villager, Iā€™ll be able to gloat about it tomorrow.

Imagine itā€™s Eliza / Leafia.

no may has been in my dms for uh
2 hours or so. i think
and Iā€™ve just been talking to him about the letter m and crime
so my b

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Final Votecount

BradLand (4): Jaiden, furtiveglance, IcetFeelsPain, May
furtiveglance (2): BradLand, Leafia

Not Voting (2): ElizaThePsycho, Magnus

You have 5 minutes to pm the hosts for corrections.

Ah, so it seems you all have come to a consensus. Again. And our choice this timeā€¦

ā€œOh my god Serif, Iā€™m not an idiot. I know itā€™s me.ā€ Shouts Shopkeeper.

ā€œAnyway, yeah no I admit it, I was working against you all. Genuinely do not know why you all are surprised, you all literally dragged me along for this.ā€

ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter anyway. None of you can even get close to defeating me. Luckily for you all, I still have a shop to run, and this is my excuse to leave. You all have fun now finding my client! And remember, you can never stop Capitalism! Toodles!ā€

And with a snap of her fingers, Shopkeeper vanishesā€¦ leaving behind an ATM. That only accepts deposits to her.

@BradLand has been banished! He wasā€¦


Day 2 has ended! The second night will end 2023-02-27T21:00:00Z, however you may choose to skip the night should you wish. All living players must send /skip to the hosts to allow this.


Iā€™ll be the first to admit it. I was wrong about Brad and he had me deep in his pocket. Iā€™m honestly impressed that he had me so convinced he was town. Kudos to him. As for his partner, I thought about it last night and with how he treated Furtiveā€™s slot, Iā€™m no longer as sure that itā€™s Furtive.