One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Alright everyone, wake up rise and shine!

Wow, everyone really is here! That’s quite the surprise, mortals!

Nobody died in the night! Day 3 has begun, and will end 2023-03-01T21:00:00Z. You may now post!


Postcounts as of SOD3

Leafia: 120
Eliza: 115
Jaiden: 115
Magnus: 107
IcetFeelsPain: 99
Furtiveglance: 73
May: 48

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Oops. Jumped the gun and there’s a very good chance that the one that was jailkept is either Brad’s partner or the target of mafia’s attack last night.

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I only know two things for certain.

  1. I’m definitely not the worst chouce for an execution with the way I defended Brad, so I’ll understand if you all want to execute me and if I’m to be executed, today is probably the best day for it since town will still have plenty of time to find Brad’s partner even after I’m dead. In fact, I have a feeling that Brad’s partner will want to keep me alive for now so that I can be an easy misexe option later or once it gets to lylo.

  2. Keeping me alive until lylo would be a very stupid thing to do because of how my defense of Brad looked. Unless you’re relatively certain I’m town, you should never let me live until lylo.

Jailkeeper is kinda hot

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You met with them last night?

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they sound pretty hot to me

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Out of curiousity, what’s everyone’s flavor? I’m Terra.

I’m Shiso

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What I want to know most is why May was townreading Brad before I decide anything.

VOTE: IcetFeelsPain
Opportunistic bus vote

true except last scum is may

A decent case can be made for why Jaiden would be the second wolf, as well.

  1. Weird interaction with Leafia on the first day.
  2. Townread by Brad on the first day.
  3. Voted Zorvo, Brad’s self-pres vote probably indicates he wasn’t being bussed.
  4. Voted Brad immediately on the second day.
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aurora borealis is very pretty

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the middle two like sure
although they really arent reasons to think specifically me
the outer two are ??????? though

VOTE: Leafia

If the Jailkeeper targeted the same player both nights, they probably stopped the kill twice because there’s no reason to double tap. If that’s the case, they should just out the target.

As in, they probably blocked the Mafia from killing twice