One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

I can’t tell if Magnus actually trusts me

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I know you would hammer immediately.

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Got it.


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You’re reading good to me. It could be an act, if you were feeling pretty safe, but I dunno. It just seems like you’re not expecting or preparing for there to be a tomorrow.

I… don’t actually know how to answer that? I’m not really expecting there to be a final day tomorrow but at the same time it’s not like I’m confident in it. If I really didn’t expect a final day tomorrow I know I would be playing differently. This game seems a lot more casual and relaxed though.

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That’s not what I meant. I’m saying you feel like you’re expecting today to be the final day, that Jaiden’s evil and the game will end. It’s similar to how you felt yesterday when Brad was on the line.

Calling it a night now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:


I’m very checked out of this game and will be until someone gets hammered today

The way cycles work, if you hammered early the night would still end at the same time, meaning you aren’t actually speeding things up.

gooood morning!!! i am here in theory
will read up soonish. if anyone said mean things about me i will be sad


When did Icet unvote Jaiden? I must’ve missed that part.

Last night.

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@Jaiden I’m surprised. Why haven’t you been voting today, when you had been in previous days?

i dont think theres any real reason
maybe it’s just my mindset this game
d1 i did stay on jarek most the day but even then i didnt really care
maybe its because before eod i generally pressure vote and ive not seen a way to use that well here
maybe its because i changed my music around eod3. that historically has been linked to changes in my play
maybe its because ive been in a really good mood and im just generally more passive when im doing so well

any of those could be it

Heading out for RL for now. :sleepingleafeon:

im soooo bored
i should probably be like. working on my april fools project but im here someone talk to me

i agree with that

No complaints any more if Jaiden gets hammered. I doubt any more will be said after all.

VOTE: Jaiden


Jaiden (3): furtiveglance, May, Leafia
IcetFeelsPain (1): ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (3): Magnus, Jaiden, IcetFeelsPain

(Unfortunately not on host acct)