One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Okay so, saying hi, not being worried about postcap, and rightfully calling every post so far a shitpost is bad?

Literally why the fuck would I be worried about post cap when I usually hit it like in the last stages of the day phase when it’s close to EOD and I’m not stuck doing anything.

One of the dumbest reads I’ve seen in my life.

Plus yes, the posts before I started posting were absolutely nothing, from everyone. If you actually gained a read on someone before I started posting you’re bullshitting.

Same thing with you, what were they?

Give me analysis on what was actually a good post between 1-78. I’ll wait.

You I would just vote out regardless of what you are because you have no hope as a player.

oh youre just like that as a person got it


I have May and Jaiden as my townreads.

VOTE: furtiveglance

Then you got this guy who’s done fuck all so far this game and piggybacked off of someone else’s push.

whats stopping you from pushing, say, zorvo instead
classic “no hope as a player” zorvo who had pretty much identical actions but you hold in significantly less regards

Furtive overall has had a worse iso compared to Zorvo.

Plus my expectations for Zorvo are low.

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Do you consider my you/Eliza discussion a shitpost?
If so, why?

That’s just disgustingly rude especially after the fact I stood up for you on syndicate.

Couldn’t be more wrong if you tried Bradland.

A lot of them had actual content to them. You just need to find it. Now let’s focus on the game everyone! If you end up hitting the postcap with less than ten posts with actual content in them and the rest talking about a movie you saw or something, you deserve to be yeeted into the sun.

I will certainly admit that that isn’t a good look for Furtive.

I will admit tha thg Bradland’s resction to my vote was a good one. It’s not exactly what I’d expect from him if he’s a wolf.

Let’s see where this takes us now. VOTE: Furtive

Yeah I can see that tbh, I didn’t really get any Town feels on them.

I have town feels on Jarek, Leafia and like maybe May.

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Disagree that Bradland’s reaction was good - angry doesn’t equal town here does it?

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As for me not doing anything - I’ve voted. What do you want from me at this stage?

Vote count:

Jarek (2): Jaiden, IcetFeelsPain
BradLand (2): furtiveglance, Zorvo
furtiveglance (2): BradLand, Leafia

UNVOTE @may I don’t think they’re Town / Scum it was a shitvote to go on. Agree with how Eliza has done NOTHING this game when they’re suppose to be carrying me!!!

VOTE: Eliza keep your promises to me please.

Leafia atm seems Towny to be but it could just be the SE thingy!

what do you MEAN you guys only have 135 posts
I will actually be able to read this game!!!

that includes me
i will go read now


It’s crazy. Also agree with Furt idk how Brad’s entry looks Town they sound like scum who put a LOT of effort into their post to sound as Towny as possible – real townies shitpost.

Leafia says that Bradland couldn’t be more wrong then they could try but at the same time they think Bradland is Town and ??? I don’t see what’s towny in that. The frustration? Sounds like salty scum to me more then whatever you think makes them town.

I don’t think their reaction was alignment indicative but I don’t think it was wolfy either.

Do more.
VOTE: Furtive

I don’t accept this response from you, there is obviously more than voting a player.

What is this in regards to with your May ping?