One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Idk man, I think Bella did pretty good but they were shocked on how Tuff Nona was gonna be, they even said it.
“I thought this was gonna be easy but Nona is a challenge.”
Not exactly like that but Bella said something like that.

Yeah I meant NM not Bella

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So what made you come here Furtive if it wasn’t me?

Icet invited me

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Thoughts on Eliza?

I’m gonna remember this if there’s a no kill tonight.

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None yet. Is there an ISO function here?

You click on the PFP of someone, try mine.
And it should say (insert number here) posts in topic.

Not sure myself. It could be either way I think.

You can even click on the person icon as well to iso that person.

Anyway, heading out for RL for now. :sleepingleafeon:

I was busy almost all of yesterday so

Care to finish what you were talking about?
Context would be appreciated.

i will return tonight. went out and saw a movie today
puss and boots 2 is pretty alright
insanely overhyped though

Not as hyped as that Mario movie I’m gonna go see.

Jaiden is, in fact, being aggressive
Okay I guess it’s more “relentlessly pursues content” but

my return to bed

icet’s entry is a bit weird, it feels pretty empty
i do think the vote based on the pregame reading i made up for comedic effect is kinda towny though??? it looks pretty disjointed but i think its twtbw and scum would absolutely put more effort not to come off like this

this post looks very no good bad to me but i think it just hurt my ego a lil because i was taking the game pretty seriously
id come back to this later though. im not very familiar with brad so ill be comparing his later play to this to get an idea of his progression

i dont have much on this but i think this is interesting to keep in mind for glance-zorvo interactions going forward