Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

no you are gay

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lukundo theme song


I thought it was chicken tikka


Vote Check

Voted Voter Votes
SonicandKnuckles Kiiruma, TownMisleaders, TreeReaper, +2 5
Tsumugi KurosakiIchogo, +3 4
TheLukundo beancat, +3 4
TownMisleaders +3 3
ATNoLeafia +3 3
Kiiruma +3 3
DkKoba +3 3
Millium +3 3
No Elimination DkKoba, SonicAndKnuckles 2
Zone_Q11 +1, Zone_Q11 2
OwlsWriteLetters +2 2
SkillIssue +2 2
FoolsGold +2 2
KurosakiIchogo Whysper 1
SpectatoChat +1 1
TreeReaper +1 1
TwoPlayersAndAOnion SpectatoChat -1
Not Voting ATNoLeafia, based, Boquise, FoolsGold, FateShirou, Laurentus, Millium, OwlsWriteLetters, SeonRichard, SkillIssue, THELukundo, Tilg, Tsumugi, TwoPlayersAndAOnion 14

We are in “Plurality Midday”. During the Day, if 50% or more of living players are voting, plurality is checked. Minority Plurality still applies, so the player with the least non-zero number of votes will be the presumptive elimination.

Majority is still active at 66%.

Vote Check History

Game Start

The next vote check will be within roughly 6 hours or less. The next activity check will be 2022-04-02T18:00:00Z in your account’s time zone.

why not?

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Unvote me

if we vote no elimination we will win the brawl, im calling it

friendship is magic

I don’t even have an alignment and I’ve been the towniest person in the game.

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video gives me an error, i cant watch it

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I have no idea if my slot is even voting anyone



Do you have any reads?

Is funny, this is only the second time I’ve asked this the entire game

Vote: everyone except SpectatoChat! (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧

The first time was asking Osie

I have read almost nothing in the thread but got the impression most or all people are still in the dark regarding their alignments
I see some people being useful and I won’t vote them
That’s about it

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