Owl House FM - Town wins!

Why can’t this be SvT

I actually want to vote Luka first because Leafia is more beneficial as town.

I know it sounds crazy and you might think “but but have you seen Leafia?”

Leafia also knows lots of peoples metas here.
Luka doesn’t.

L take voting me

Leafia has also likely played mafia longer.
I know how to work with them and they know how to find me as town better then Luka does.

I believe both Luka and Leafia are the same alignment.

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Don’t see how the later half is relevant. Knowing p metas is important but in an pr madness game you cant judge who’s more beneficial to the town at first glance


Doesn’t sound like it to me tbh.
Call it gut but that’s how I feel it to be.
Could it backfire and your mafia townreading a ML Bait Townie? Perhaps.
But my gut is telling me your the same alignment as Leafia so I’m going to say no.

If you just account vanilla mafia I think I’ve only been playing for 4 months. Count pr madness, which you shouldn’t tbf, 6 years

No offense kinda don’t want to humor this read this early

Yeah roles do have a factor of course.
But in the case your both town and not both mafia I’m giving my take on who I prefer to remove out of the 2 of you.

Sure whatever. I don’t have an argument against a “idk this player so ima vote this player”. If you truly want one of us flipped it’s valid reasoning

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I will stand by that susping somebody for bringing content progression is dumb af tho nmw

Ah so you’re about the same as me and Leafia then.
Think we might be 7 or 8 if you count the couple forum games I played back in 2015/16 and the one forum game where Leafia was named “ParaYumi” around the same ish time but I guess roughly the same year experience.

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Especially when it was leafeon post that got this out of the fairly nai meme phase

Is this sus on Leafia?

And defence against yourself?

:innocent: (I hate phone no gifs)

It’s. Defense towards leafeon what
I kinda hate meme phase cuz it gives no info. Leafeon got this out of meme phase, therefor giving us discussion. I literally don’t see how that’s a reason to sr them. The reads can feel fake sure but giving strong reads in the early game should not be towns purpose. It should be to spiral into a late game where town has a foundation to build upon.


I have news for you.

I only use Mobile.
Very very rarely do I use my Laptop for FM and I only recently got my laptop like what? Maybe had it for 2 years now?

I haven’t defended myself, only leafeon. I see no accusation to defend myself against.

please don’t call me that kthnxbye