Owl House FM - Town wins!

How fucking dare you accuse me of being a C*lifornian

You were evil in fall of rome right

I am a born and raised Floridian

Villagers don’t sus people for giving out reads Jarek and they don’t try to dissuade people from voting them then claim it was just a joke.

(also I was 14 in 2013)

((I realize you’re joking but nya))


tell me some stuff apo


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I think so. That game does sound familiar but I don’t remember much if anything about it. I’m not even sure if we’ve had a game like that before. What game was that again?

What kind of stuff?

It was literally called fall of rome
It was a BOTF hosted by Hazzy and CRichard

Blood on the Clocktower game

I was in it, I was trumpeteer

Do you remember what I was?

I just couldn’t remember if you were actually evil or if I had just gaslit myself into thinking you were
I’m gonna ISO that game and compare it to this one :+1:t2:

You were Augur, right?

tell me ur opinions n thoughts

I mean i dont see the joke part, i see jarok wanting u to elaborate on that thought, sure the ill self vote is w/e but i wouldnt say its anything but nai compared to some of the other posts he has made

And turning it into “town dont aus people for giving out reads” when u didnt even really give a read is meh

Imo u have ur claim thats probably the only thing i like in your entire iso and i think for the most part thats a decent reason to like you.

I know town you can talk in mkre detail about why we ahould vote apo so why not just say it?

Can u link ur most revent town game on MU?

im just playing the sus everyone until i find someone from my poe that should be killed ngl