Owl House FM - Town wins!

Oh yeah. You’re right. Now I remember that game.

Most recent was Anni23

I’ve only played two games on MU this year, Anni and my champs game

Do u have a non mash or nah? Illl i guess thag will have to do, i just want a link since im on mobile and at work and i can just speedrun your dayabase on lunch

I was a wolf in the champs game

Ummm…you do realize they’re two different types of games, right?

Ohh champs works, can u link the game?

I have like two?

But they’re fairly old, not really indicative of how I currently play

I understand that
Do you think your meta is drastically different between the formats?
I don’t think mine is

Actually, I can’t because I’m not good with that kind of stuff.

Not sure but people aren’t going to act the same way in every type of game.

Well yeah but they aren’t really that different

I can find another game that’s just the last one I remember being in with you

Champs game

Most recent non-mash town game

(I didn’t realize that Help Test 4 was so recent, goddamn time unawareness)

Yes they are. Completely different.

Sure <3


Just in case you need the ping


I’m dumb, I was wolf in Help Test 4

apo do u have opinions gimme