Owl House FM - Town wins!

Mindmelding on mech stuff is kinda irrelevant ngl

Mindmeld on zorvo w → leafia w

Zorvo the Hedge Man

Very TMI post since there’s 0 way to know they’re both town and if they’re both town anyway why are you lynching in them :thinking:


  • min
  • Millium
  • Cape90
  • Jarek


  • Luka


  • Leafia


  • Zorvo

VOTE: Zorvo

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ima read all of this at midnight then go to sleep

Once again I dont think it really deserves the attention its getting; imo there are much more allignment indicative things by other players.
And even if it does, the players that are only focusing in on that one post just need to stop

I did this before with caitlin, a diff player. I cant say if I would do it here or not though, depends on the moment

Ice’s reasoning was that eliza is always scum if they live past D1. As said probably a joke, still don’t like it.

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Why do you doubt bussing? The pushes so far are fairly weak, I don’t think it would be out of this world for a scum to vote another scum here

Actually so true

Only real question is atm is this a pocket; min’s interactions with my post feel natural in a sense that I could see them coming t this conclusin as town. Me leaning towards not a pocket means me town leaning min here; posts feel natural / relaxed

Honestly like this reasoning as it actually explains why its weird which idt any post up until now has done
I already adressed why I dont think the read was bad there, even if it was forced. At the very least it was townie imo
Either way TL on jarek for this

Vote Count

Leafia (3): Jarek, Cape90, Millium
Zorvo (3): Zorvo, min, Multiverse
Millium (2): IcetFeelsPain, Luka
Jarek (1): guavagudetama
IcetFeelsPain (1): ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (7): Apocryphal, Frostwolf103, Kork, Wazza, Leafia, TodaysStory, Kiiruma

So far id be fine with mil d1, agree with the jarek TR
Zorvo posted later ik so ill need to look at that before giving thoughts; pressure cant hurt

Note: I dislike your leafeon townlean as it feels very pockety for very little done (and didn’t even comment on the reads themselves)

I gave notes on them later on. I dont agree or disagree with the reads. My thoughts generally align with I dont think reads in general are bad early game.

Disagreed - Their reads so far have been very milquetoast and could’ve easily been wolf making easy early reads for towncred

I already explained why I dont really mind that the reads arent the greatest. You arent expecting anybody to solve 1 hour into the game, what you are expecting though is gameplay related discussion / things to start happening and the reads helped in that matter w/o a doubt

Just an L, post is fairly nai. I could see making it as either allignment.

Townie progression.

Why? Also, you neverr gave thoughts on Leafeon idt so I dont know what you mean by they get it. Could be wrong on that

Once again, why? Whats wrong with that vote? If youre just going to say "yikes X’ or “scummy” without explaining anything then VOTE: Mutliverse

They have said they’re null on Leafeon multiple times

I did? Multiple times later on? This replying seems really selective lmao. Also, I thought the reasoning was bad, simple as that. For example: I can push somebody with the reaosning that I dont like A in there name. Does that make it not a poor push? I also dont think their reasoning is legitimate, evidently. I already explained why its dumb.

Dont think they are; they openly said the reason on me / leafeon being diff allignments was gut. Could be mistaken on this

Do better Oomfie

Good Night Oomfie

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