Owl House FM - Town wins!

Thats my work

Ah yeah sorry my bad skimmed it.

Thought you ISO dived completely on Luka.

But I do notice some other stuff

Still yeah, it is weird comment from Kiiruma whoā€™s suppose to be technical competent, but here we are finding someone who doesnā€™t read the OP.

Bastard elements however, could be still possible. So if this is perception slip from Kiiruma that heā€™s mafia and thereā€™s role that can allow to have titan blood more than once, then oh boy thatā€™s one massive bar of soap he slipped on.

Yeah, it was 95%

The very bottom I quoted one of Kiirumaā€™s post regarding titan blood.

@Multiverse @min

No but honestly you guys really need to think about the question I asked.

Does Leafia being town still make my posts wolfy?

Because if they donā€™t, your voting me on a Tinfoil and your concern can be resolved if Leafia flipped wolf as then you can make your accusation towards me, doing it now and having that as your ONLY reason isnā€™t IMO good enough to vote me.

You have both only stated you wolf read me due to partner equity you see with me and Leafia.
So assuming Leafia is town, chances are if you ended up MLing me, your still going after Leafia,

Tbh I donā€™t think this holds true if Leafia flips Town and gets MLā€™ed day 1 here. I doubt you have anything on me unless you would care to tell me what that thing is?

Said the last part a little wrong.

If Leafia flips first, you guys donā€™t have jackshit on me,
If I flip first, you can just opportunistically still go after Leafia.

So what stops Kiiruma from taking something you said or showed and using THAT as their initial reason on wolf reading Luka?

Also I think if I had to name one FM player in the entire FM community whoā€™s the closest in play to @Multiverse I would have to go with MarshmallowMarshal or however you say his name.

Luka is like the most polarized person ever

Something to take with pinch of salt, Kiirumaā€™s reason is Luka is being top poster revealing nothing on the table, ā€œmixedā€ as Kiiruma would describe with both good and bad takes on Luka.

Are you saying that with my ISO Dive wallpost I spoonfed Kiiruma on what he can use against Luka? To be fair, its not all doom and gloomy. Thereā€™s something on Luka he intends to do this game.

Imagine people gone crazy with your townlean

Iā€™ve read everything just canā€™t respond to anything till around 11:35 my time, sorry

it has been 3 years zorvo
i barely remember 6 months ago



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Alright Iā€™m not going to say Iā€™ve read much as Iā€™m in very limited time until I finish work however Zorvo seems to be townish, just doing what he did in the last game I had with him and it feels to me that he has a difference between his town and scum meta not gonna lie

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i am awake


i mean, i kinda get where youre coming from

it shouldnt really have weight though, or else youā€™re never going to understand lukas slot in games because youll keep going like

ā€œwell i know x but not y so id rather kill y firstā€


help me see it?

in my opinion, i dont find it particularly spectacular or anything to make a read like that on leafia

im open to seeing your thoughts on cape tho