Owl House FM - Town wins!

Oh, god, I hate being alone in a mafia thread

Come hang out in wolf chat then

So I saw some people speaking about neuts earlier. Iā€™m the neut in guy (See my FAM 3 role). Iā€™m not a neut myself this game so that doesnā€™t matter too much.

Overall caught up, not too much of note but it is early game.

VOTE: Luka

Has the most posts atm but Iā€™ve felt quite mixed about the slot. I could easily see it flipping W

did not have the time. oops. need to save phone charge so see you guys l8r

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Good morning

No way there are only 300 posts in my fol

7 wagons are abnormal I swear

Who wants Titans blood

Aot reference

Not me, ever.

I do think itā€™s important for us to track who gets the blood. Otherwise we might end up trying to get people the blood twice and then evils can just ensure one of their members gets it.

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Because I wanted to vote someone before I slept that talked

Jarek guava Luka leafia all said something so it was between Eliza millim

Omg this is like a king election :wolf_woah:

Thats so cool

Except not at all.
The Lord / King gains the abilities until death and then a new election is held.

This game every day has to be someone different and nobody can have it twice, or else it defaults to the eligible people with the most votes.

Can you elaborate on your thoughts on Luka

Yeah we should prolly choose a town consensus to receive the blood
Maybe once itā€™s 24 hours after day start so thereā€™s more posts and everyone can get a better read on everyone else so we can have a town consensus


Itā€™s really not TMI. This is a reach.
Like read my post Multi, lmao.
I already said I felt both were same alignment.
So in the scenario, USE YOUR BRAIN.
either way, either both are voted wolves or one flips town and the others cleared and I would rather Leafia being the one cleared because I KNOW THEM.
However Iā€™m not sure I still stand by the both same alignment read anymore but I did at the time.

Iā€™ll ask you the same question I asked Min.
Do you still think Iā€™m wolfy if Leafia is Town?

Yeah, if one of Min/Multi contains a wolf itā€™s very likely to be Multi.

VOTE: Multiverse

I invited them and Multi usually always plays like this.
Donā€™t you remember? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can you give more of an elaborate on what you find wolfy about Luka?

Fuck thatā€™s actually a Mind Melt. Wolf Equity going down a bit.

Jarek, Jarek and Jarek.

I have theory that Collector in this game may be potential third party with loyal modifier or town bodyguard.

Time to make a ISO dive.

This is on RVS phase I imagine, doesnā€™t look out of place as third voter since thereā€™s plenty of people online at the time, but not everyone (myself included)

Hops on second RVS wagon with Millium, what is he doing?

This is NAI on closed setup

@Luka You are talking to Jarek about this one, right?


So much for null read and RVS vote.

Whatever you did, Luka. You are bringing confusion to the thread and I have to figure out why youā€™re shooā€™ing away the players that are making valid points against you and Leafia/Leafeon

You are also on the spotlight now.

It doesnā€™t look like that Luka voting Millium on this because he is defending Leafia, but is calling out that Millium knows Cape of something I donā€™t know. Then again its not like Millium is defending Cape, she says the reason on Capeā€™s vote on Leafia wasnā€™t great and voted Leafia still. Thats where Luka is saying?

Hmm, interesting proposition.

So it seems.

Strange, why wouldnā€™t you want to get resolved with Leafia or am I not reading this right? Surely I understand you want to townclear some people at this point and scumread some other players while youā€™re at it.

(Keeping mental note that Zorvo voted himself only for funny unvote off from Luka)

You also scumlean Cape alongside with Millium, correct?

What are you on about, mate?

However I do agree that titan blood tracking is important yes.

You doing Kiirumaā€™s work for them?