Owl House FM - Town wins!

i feel like i usually see you very willing to destroy random people but i feel like i also see you scum more often than not

Not really as itā€™s never gonna be granted really. Unless it was to a Miller who always shows as W. But even then thatā€™s confirmation of their claim.


(for the record, my job is me going to stores and doing inventory)

And you know that how?

I am W a statistically higher amount than average in other communities. Here I feel like Iā€™m relatively normal between town and W games

Itā€™s the most overpowered wish one could make.

Like public role reveal is weaker and even that is inssnely OP.

I mean

There is something to be said about the boldness of wishing for it

Since thereā€™s always a chance for it to be granted

A really low chance, but a chance nonetheless

And it also makes you a target as well. Like with Mayor and IC.

imo it is like 1% more towny than rand because of that

Oh yeah, itā€™s bold. But I refuse to townread for it. Since even if Eliza is W who gets it granted Eliza can be like ā€œThat helps me confirm as Miller. A wolf would never do thatā€ and town would eat that up.

Iā€™d say maybe 5-10% more towny actually.


Someone suspected Guava for not wanting Eliza killed d1

That is almost certainly NAI frankly getting d1ā€™d sucks, it sucks even more when it happens multiple times in a row

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No they wouldnā€™t because it would confirm her as wolf.

Nah, 5-10% feels a bit excessive

Iā€™d go 3% at the highest

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I absolutely agree with not D1ing Eliza. But doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m gonna give free reads out too.

Fair enough.


town miller eliza wouldnt wish that before claiming miller lol

Eliza as whole is a firm null for me

I also agree with not D1ing Eliza.