Owl House FM - Town wins!

Oh I’m solving via what is happening.

I agree with this obviously but id love for them to actually provide posts that prove what theyve said
So far its just been “luka evil!!!” and when ive asked them to provide reasons numerous times they always repsonded with “im on phone” like that completely prevents them from linking messages
Its genuinely getting annoying TwT

Just vote me already and commit to something.
You seem to be going that route already. Geez

i feel like youre overthinking this way too much

of course someone wishing to know the entire wolfteam would be wotmed lol

No, the point is fully valid. Idk why you feel like you need to support Leaf rn

genuinly going to ignore your posts from here on out
Ive asked for a link to a post that follows your “reads” 69 times and for some reason you just refuse to give it
Mobile is nanoying, but if you wont even reply to am essage with it then dont bother pushing me

As I said I’m paranoid and I know it

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me arguing against flawed logic does not mean im supporting leaf

waffles arent pancakes

me sitting in the driveway waiting for my siblings to get off the bus when thr wind desides to blow copius amount of grass in my face

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This game is a mess rn

Time to play a game and come back later

I won’t need to do a you vs me soon enough. I’d already linked a post I didn’t like and explained further ones


Kiiruma is being himself

Which just triggers a bunch of
“X did not like that”

But also

Yeah, it’s frustrating when someone asks for the case on them and just get stonewalled by “I’m on mobile”

I disagree, so far this game is well except for Kiiruma tunneling me and refusing to even reply to a post that paints me in a bad light, using the same “im on mobile” excuse like that prevents them from playing the game when it blatently doesnt

Genuinly where

I mean “in this current moment”

Since you think he’s being himself, due to tr / tl him due to that?
