Owl House FM - Town wins!

also you play botc??? Whats your favorite character


Im exceedingly frustrated right now at you

Ooo nice
Do you like the new characters out of curiosity?

Theyā€™re ok. Not really the best ones that couldā€™ve been released. E.G. Plague Doctor instead of Hermit

Kinda agree on that, plague doctor jynxs are silly
Was hoping for something more, plague doctor is niche and doesnt work alot. Hermit would have been fun

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To elaborate:
Feels dejected that, no matter what, somebody refuses to respond to what you say about your read on them. Im being tunneled and thereā€™s nothing I can do to defend myself. Actually frustrating


book (story)

everyone else


lockscoom never recind


blawg i just got pelted on mid post by rain :skull:

what list is this for?

mobilecels back at it again


Watch your tongue

Iā€™m a mobile poster

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Almost exclusively so

ah, what kind tho? Cause like it says unordered but idk. Im gonna guess like townreads to wolfreads but im kinda dumb so

Iā€™m in the A&E, trying to get something sorted. Iā€™m incredibly hot and have been here for around 6hrs. Been on mobile all day, made a post when people asked me to. And funnily enough the target of the scumread disagrees with being read in a certain way. Fucking crazy. Whoā€™d have thought you would not be able to see othersā€™ arguments on yourself?

Are you new-ish to FM?

yea thats how it is

ill label them from now on sorry korkus


me too LOL

Are you new-ish to FM?

ish sure. I havent played much at all. Just forums this is my first game, Ive only played on discord before but thats not really relevant.

On a side note, I think ive calmed down now. I was getting a bit to heated before, apologies.

And funnily enough the target of the scumread disagrees with being read in a certain way.

I mean of course, to be fair. You cant really expect me to agree with the scum read. I just really hate the tunneling for reasons stated above

Iā€™m in the A&E, trying to get something sorted. Iā€™m incredibly hot and have been here for around 6hrs. Been on mobile all day, made a post when people asked me to

Hope things get resolved soon.

Whoā€™d have thought you would not be able to see othersā€™ arguments on yourself?

I just think that this is really silly and kind of disregarding why I would have done it.
Ive also adressed everything in there and it was completely ignored by you. Feel like no matter what I do youre going to tunnel me the entire game past killing you. And just personal I hate killing top posters d1 unless theyre outed wolf. Kinda hate punishing activity, selfish reason from me.

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