Owl House FM - Town wins!

I don’t like being ignored.

Did I miss something?
Can someone else explain to me what it is suppose to mean then?

Implying isn’t saying and if one existed, they’d cc me.


nah just chill, its not worth it

Why wouldn’t they cc me if it wasn’t me that did it?

They’re being pissy cuz you’re wolfreading them
I think


I was just pointing out a semantic difference between confirmation and claiming

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And I’m also trying to explain why she could not be confirmed
She’s not gonna get it though

I know I said I wouldn’t vote Kiiruma today but I’m having second thoughts on that one.

The wish granter could actually be multi shot

Also had everyone talked since you claimed?

It is.
There is no reason in this entire universe that prevents Kiiruma from being able to talk to me about what they said.

I genuinely wasn’t until now but ok lol.

I said I was sus of their first post but they cleared it up and I find them to have wolf equity with Multi.

Sorry if I didn’t make that clear? @Kiiruma

They said “misreads Kiiruma as wolf” which I think means that they are town but you’re reading them as wolf
Or so Kiiruma thought

And you’ll soon see that isn’t the case.

But like I’m not him

It’s still possible though

Which then I wanted to then be like.

This response from you here Kiiruma just proves more and more that you share wolf equity with Multi.

You expect anyone to believe that a multishot wishgranter could ever exist and if it’s not me, why would I claim that it was?

Zorvo reads Kiiruma.
Zorvo reads Kiiruma (As usual) as a wolf.
This is a misread.
Zorvo therefore misreads Kiiruma as a wolf.

If I were to imply you were a wolf yourself, it would be:
As a wolf, Zorvo misreads Kiiruma…