Owl House FM - Town wins!

Stop with the silliness Eliza and get serious.

i mean u can tell me this to your blue in the face, but thats not how any of this works, when u had the audacity to tell me i shouldnt like someone for having the same reads as me, which is asinine, its day 1, if i want to be like ā€œjarek is town because we have the same thoughtsā€, i certainly will unless they become really bad

I literally said you deserved a townread for the wish when you made ot and at least a townlean.

Also this Leafia.

The issue with this is that, no matter what you do people find it sus and honestly even I sometimes donā€™t understand why.
I think you might be town here.
I was hoping this was the one rare game where you were in a Towncore because Lukaā€™s read on you but nope.
Main Execution like every time.

Like Leafia there has GOT to be someway we can get you to be obvious town if your town here.

Letā€™s work together.

checks notes
i did a ctrl + F search so
one sec

It is how it works Millium and Iā€™m only saying that you shouldnā€™t automatically assume someone is town just because they agree with your reads.


Actually fuck this.

VOTE: Millium


Eliza didnā€™t do anything wolfy they just donā€™t understand whatā€™s going on

Luka is town btw

Eliza and Leafia and Jarek all Town and Min

They CAN be.
But Iā€™m not sure.

Iā€™m not sure on you either but I think you should be more obvious later on.

Right here.

I explain it for several posts afterwards too.

Millium might be a wolf toying with you.

Them retracting the Eliza town read for that garbage reason is wolfy IMO/

Definitely not impossible honestly.

I read this as miliscum which makes it 100x more funny

Iā€™m like besties with Luka trust we have a god read on each other



Do you honestly think this post is in good faith?
I donā€™t.

u wish

Itā€™s not too late to choose someone else for the thing if you guys chosen Millium

We have till EoD