Owl House FM - Town wins!

I mean you’re probably right.
If you are a wolf, I probably can’t get others to vote you today, but I can most certainly attempt to try.

nah eliza shouldnt be having serious reads, they dont have the focus for that, its likely fake

my sister in christ this was literally extremely easy


even though i was wrong

Tell you what.

Vote Mill and we can call it your wagon.
That way it won’t feel like you are sheeping me.

mmm no


seth i need u to not try to rally people to vote me, plz and thanks

Who’s voted you with me?

im going to play escape simulator, bye

keyword is “try”

is this not trying?

No reason to be too worried now.
The day’a not that close to being over.

Sure I am trying.
I think you can be wolf.
But your clearly under the impression that it can get somewhere.

True. It’s only half over.

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im certain u dont actually pay attention to my posting style as town if u can write, “no need to be worried”

Try escaping this

@Leafia this is a genuine thought process.

I’ll do the rest of Jarek ISO after dinner.

…No it isn’t Zorvo. People react differently to different things. He’s literally scumresding me just because I have a gutread there.