Owl House FM - Town wins!

Ok no

I donā€™t actually read the 4 people

Actually I town read luka

Also town lean slightly maybe guava and Eliza

And I think I had zorvo but I donā€™t remember why

Thats seven players

The 4 vote thing was something I saw being done in another game so I wanted to try it here and point it out

Luka guava Eliza zorvo is 4

Isnt that familiar ability like Kiiruma used in True Majority?

Woah thatā€™s true

As your doctor, you are diagnosed with Fancy Play Syndrome. Just saying.

So nothing relevant with Leafia, what were you hoping to achieve for reaction?

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Shit and giggles

Iā€™m funny please laugh


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VOTE: jarek @Kiiruma if I told you Luka town can you guarantee leafia town

Iā€™m actually kinda curious, Iā€™ve not seen a single person agree with my metaread so far.

thats me
I do find it funny you said my name and didnā€™t say anything lol

I have 6 posts because Iā€™ve been working and sleeping the entire time thread as been open :sob:

Iā€™ve got time after work today and a little before which is why Iā€™m here now, I will manage to get my thoughts out here, although Iā€™m questioning the same thing as I have seen literally nothing on my metaread for Zorvo being the reasoning.

VOTE: Leafia

Vote goes here, already donā€™t feel like they should be the kept around for varying reasons the main one being their wishy-washy nature which is commonly associated with their scum gameplay, I know Iā€™m mostly just metareading this game but itā€™s what Iā€™m going off of.

Another one is that Iā€™m not going to be hurt about their death based on what theyā€™ve claimed their role is, plus theyā€™re currently just anti-claim fodder if they are town if an anticlaim mechanic exists.

naw dw i just call you a nerd

why tf you awake you went sleep like 3 hours ago :sob:

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idek i might sleep soon (8:18)

sleep moment